Comparison between the ISM and the ISPS codes A quick comparison
Codes of Same origin The ISM code -International Safety Management Code- has been created to manage safety in a shipping company and on board its ships The ISPS code (international ship and Port facility securitry code) has been created to manage the security of the ships and the port facilities frequented by them
Similarities They are International codes applicable to ships over 500 GT running internationnally Apply to passenger ships of any tonnage working internationnally Apply to terminals where they work (only for the ISPS code) what about for safety of terminals ???? This is an international approach under the SOLAS convention
Subtile particularity for the offshore industry Both codes apply to MODU (Mobile Offshore Drilling Unit) wheighting certainly more than 500 all of them The other units which are self propelled (pipe laying for example) must follow the SOLAS requirements : they are ships anyway! NBSometimes on other non-self propelled units, the flag or the coastal state requires compliance with ISM and ISPS (Brazil, Marshall Islands, Liberia …)
the ISPS code… Implement a global cooperation with private or State operators for the protection of ships and terminals In fine, ships and ports are taken proportianal protection measures via a classic management system for security with the cooperation of legal authorities: police, army, navy, customs, immigration, coast guards, intelligence services The further actions are from the State: terrorism, illegal traficking, migrants, intelligence and national cyber security
The ISM code requires … All items for a modern management system: Description of tasks and responsibilities of all persons involved in the safety of ships Level of skill and preparation of personnel and crews to emergencies Availability of requied resources Reporting system from the base to the top via a DPA and an operation of feedback An internal verification system in order to rectify and to improve
Practically speaking The ISM code requires a SMS with at a minimum: Objectives and operating procedures via an accident prevention system and a continuous improvement approach The mandatory operation of the SMS isin hands of the shipping company While the verification of conformity and operation is in hands of the flag
Differences The ISM code applies to companies operationg ships (shipping, dredging, offshore, search and development) and their operated ships or units The ISPS code applies only to ships and terminals
Definitions Maritime Safety: organization of actions to prevent and manage unpredictable accidents Maritime Security: organization of prevention of illicit incident and management of consequences Security could have been included in the Safety On board ships it is normal to link security with safety management In ports it is also more frequent today to see security managed at the same time of safety
Other similarities The ISM code requires toset up a safety Management manual dealing with safety and pollution prevention which can be called Safety Plan which inclues risks assessment and mitigating measures The ISPS code requires risk assessment of threats and implementation of reduction measures in a Security Plan
The differences are in the definitions: Safety incidents are of involontary and random types While security incidents are voluntary acts from wrongdoers In case of successfull security incident, the further measures of recovery are of safety matters
One particularity of the ISM code is the DPA The Designated person ashore ensure the laison between the ship and the top management, and ensure that important information will be transmitted to them in order to ensure the providing of ressources to the Ship’s master In security, the Company Security Officer (CSO) ensures the threats assessments, the correction of security deficiencies and operation of the security plans and many other things
Validity of certificates Quenquennal validity and renewal are common to both codes Assessment and plans are concerned as well as the certificates To renew a certificate objectives evidence of operation of the safety or security plans must be produced Only shipsshould be able to show their certificates
Conclusion What is missing for a comprehensive integrated system ? : Includes the security of the port in addition of port facility security Made the management of safety of port operations mandatory by a new chapter of the SOLAS convention
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