| 1 Maritime Security: update from the European Commission Christian Dupont Deputy Head of Unit / DG Mobility and Transport A4 European Commission EAASP annual conference – Dubrovnik, 29 April 2014
| 2 What’s new since the Gibraltar meeting? Year of transition Little appetite from Member States transport authorities for changes (see what happened to our studies) Focus on conformity checking and the reality of the implementation of existing legislation (Regulation on ship and port facility security, Directive on port security, Recommendation on ship self protection against piracy and ARAS). Inspections and infringement proceedings Awaiting now the outcomes off the elections for the EP and the nomination of the new College of Commissioners. To be noted : the initiative for the definition of an European Union Maritime Security Strategy (EUMSS).
| 3 Joint Communication on elements for a European Union Maritime Security Strategy (EUMSS). Joint Communication JOIN(2014) 9 final of Why Joint? Why final? Currently under examination by the Council of the EU
| 4 Joint Communication on elements for a European Union Maritime Security Strategy (EUMSS). Content: Identification of : Maritime security interests Maritime security threats Purpose of the strategy Organisation of the EU response: “building and improving on existing achievements” Conclusion and follow up
| 5 Maritime security interests The prevention of conflicts, the preservation of peace and the strengthening of international security through engagement with international partners. This promotes international maritime cooperation and the rule of law, facilitates maritime trade and contributes to sustainable development. The protection of the EU against maritime security threats including the protection of critical maritime infrastructure such as ports and terminals, off-shore installations, underwater pipelines, telecommunications cables, scientific research and innovation projects and other economic activities at sea. | 5
| 6 Maritime security interests Effective control of the Union’s maritime external borders to prevent illegal activities. The protection of the global EU supply chain, the freedom of navigation, right of innocent passage of ships flying the flags of EU Member States and the safety and security of their seafarers and passengers. The prevention of illegal, unregulated and unreported (IUU) fishing. | 6
| 7 Maritime security threats Territorial maritime disputes, acts of aggression and armed conflict between States. The proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, including chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear threats. Maritime piracy and armed robbery at sea. Terrorism and other intentional unlawful acts against ships, cargo and passengers, ports and port facilities and critical maritime infrastructure, including cyber-attacks on information systems. | 7
| 8 Maritime security threats Cross-border and organised crime including seaborne trafficking of arms, narcotics and human beings, as well as IUU fishing. Potential consequences to the environment of illegal discharges or accidental marine pollution. Potential impacts of natural disasters, extreme events and climate change on the maritime transport system and in particular on the maritime infrastructure. Conditions at sea and in the coastal zone that weaken the potential for growth and jobs in the marine and maritime sectors. | 8
| 9 Purpose of the strategy. Make best use of existing capabilities at national and European level. Promote effective and credible partnerships in the global maritime domain. Promote cost efficiency. Enhance solidarity among Member States | 9
| 10 Organising the EU response: building and improving on existing achievements. External action. Maritime awareness, surveillance and information sharing. Capability development and capacity building. Risk management, protection of critical maritime infrastructure and crisis response. Maritime security research and innovation, education and training | 10
Joint Communication on elements for a European Union Maritime Security Strategy (EUMSS). What future for this proposal ? “Such a strategy would not seek to create new structures, programmes or legislation, but would strive to build upon and strengthen existing achievements. Consistency with existing EU policies should be ensured »
Joint Communication on elements for a European Union Maritime Security Strategy (EUMSS). What future for this proposal ? Greek Presidency of the Council of the EU currently reworking on the basis of our proposal Intent: to adopt by June 2014 a EUMSS in the form of « a non-legislative, non-legally binding informal document » by consensus Forthcoming Italian Presidency to take over and to prepare specific implementation plans by December 2014.
| 13 Maritime transport Security policy. Member States lack of appetite for upgrading/updating legislation. Should this lead to : No nead to invest EU mooney in grants and studies? Free way for PPP or simply private initiatives?(e.g. CSO Alliance)?. Let’s hope better weather at the end of this year….
| 14 Studies and grants. Technical aspects of port security (TAPS). Recognised Security Organizations (RSO). European Port Access Identification Card (EPAIC). Non – Solas ships. Handbook for drills and exercices. Exchange of security information amongst ports (ESPIEN).. Manning levels. IED on passengers ships and ro-ro ferries. Vulnerability of gas carriers and other tankers. The published studies are available on:
Any question?
| 16 Thank you for your attention Christian Dupont Deputy Head of Unit Maritime Security European Commission DG MOVE A4