Joint assessment team Typhoon Wutip (storm No. 10) Quang Tri Province See more at:
ASSESSMENT TEAM Team composition: Save the Children (4) Plan International (1) World Vision (2) Oxfam (1) Centre for Sustainable Rural Development (SRD) (1) Catholic Relief Services (CRS) (1) Local partners (DoFA, Vietnam Red Cross, etc.) (3)
Assessment Areas VIET NAM QUANG TRI PROVINCE Vinh Linh District Trieu Phong District Gio Linh District
BACKGROUND & DAMAGES DAMAGES Typhoon WUTIP is said to be the worst in Quang Tri since the last 28 years. Worst affected districts: Vinh Linh, Gio Linh, Cam Lo, Trieu Phong, and Dong Ha; Worst affected sectors: Shelter, education, and livelihood, public infrastructures, etc. Human impact: 38 injured people, 17 collapsed and 11,259 unroofed houses; 176 classrooms at 48 schools were damaged or unroofed; 3 hospitals and 76 public buildings were affected; 8,011 hectas of rubber (30%) and 1,181 hectas of pepper trees were damaged; hectas of paddy rice and 2,739 hectas of cash crops were affected, 658,050 banana trees were impacted, 30,732 fruit trees and 13,583 hectas of planting forests were damaged. Total economic losses: VND 2,114 billion (over US$ 100 million) BACKGROUND Typhoon Wutip made landfall in Quang Tri province on 30 th Sept PM, brought strong wind, sea surges and medium rainfalls until 3 rd Oct. Quang Tri became the second hardest hit among 6 affected provinces. Vinh Linh, Gio Linh, and Trieu Phong districts are the top 3 out of 5 most affected districts. Poverty headcount (2012): 16.41% - poorest amongst the affected provinces. Visited commune: 19.7% poor Rural livelihoods dependent on forestry (rubber, pepper), on agriculture (paddy rice, cassavas, fruit trees)
KEY FINDINGS Water, Sanitation and Hygiene: A majority of local population has access to groundwater sources,using electric pumps. Access to safe water sources was cut off in 2 days and restored on Oct 2 nd The typhoon did not lead to any critical hygiene problems. No reported cases of water borne diseases after the storm.
KEY FINDINGS Shelter and non food items : Fiber cement roof sheeting: very high level of damage (picture 1). Tiled roofs: many roofs partially damaged, but relatively little damage Corrugated metal sheet roofing: in visited schools, public buildings with little damage (picture 2) More than 90% slightly damaged and partly unroofed houses have been repaired by Oct 3 rd. 10% remaining affected households who were found poorest and would not be able to rebuild their houses quickly without external support
KEY FINDINGS Food security and livelihood : Households with main food sources from agricultural production (rice, cash crops, vegetables, etc.) and other occupations were not affected seriously. Households who earn income from planting industrial trees such as rubber trees, pepper trees were seriously hit by the typhoon Even if the government provides compensation to typhoon affected rubber farmers, their loss remains significant.
KEY FINDINGS Health : No visible public health problem affected to villagers after the typhoon except for 38 injured cases who received health-care in commune/district health centres or home-care. Education : 176 classrooms at 48 schools were damaged or unroofed. However, 70% of schools have been repaired at the time of assessment. External assistance from INGOs is welcomed to speed up those efforts
On-going Responses A total of 13,121 households with 43,680 people in 100/141 communes in Quang Tri province were evacuated before 10.00AM Sept 30th to minimize human impacts. They were provided with temporary shelter and basic services and have returned home safely after 1-2 days. The provincial government has distributed cash grant of VND 6 million to households with collapsed houses, and VND 1 million to households with unroofed house; only to a small number of affected households. VNRC Chapter of Quang Tri will start distribution of 200 HH kits to most affected households on Oct 3rd.
On-going Responses At the moment, Quang Tri VNRC PDRD team is continuing to investigate who are the poorest, and most vulnerable groups among those affected to be able to identify priority target group for follow-up support. WV started some response activities, including providing drinking water and shelter valued at 158, 327 million VND in Vinh Linh district; and shelter support in Trieu Phong district and NFIs (mosquito nets and blankets) at value of 195,940 million VND. Mr. Nguyen Duc Cuong, Chairman of Quang Tri Provincial People’s Committee sent an appeal dated Oct 3rd to call for external assistance from Embassies in Vietnam, iNGOs, and international donors and humanitarian agencies to the typhoon survivors.
Recommendations WASH No intervention is required immediately Bloodshot eye and diarrhea cases should be monitored to avoid break-out. SHELTER: Response efforts by the government and humanitarian actors should prioritize for timely and appropriate supports to the 10% of most affected households whose houses were damaged.
Recommendations Food Security and Livelihood For medium and long term, different livelihood supports options should be considered, especially to assist the poor, nearly poor, and rubber farm casual labors; Response agencies should prioritize poor and near poor rubber farmers and casual labors of rubber farms with livelihood supports in medium and long term. Health and Education: SC, Plan, and WV, and active humanitarian actors in Quang Tri are encouraged to consider appropriate assistance to speed up recovery of education sector, ensure information sharing and coordination.
Key lessons Community Based Disaster Risk Management Long-term Socio-Economic Development Planning should take into account disaster risks to build back better “Safe roofing” awareness raising