Section 1 reading
Paper 1 does not require you to retell or recount the included texts. It requires you to basically do two things: 1.identify aspects (ideas, values, information) of belonging or not belonging how the composer has presented/represented belonging or not belonging through the language forms and features of the text/s.
‘How’ does not, in any way, translate to just copy out something from the included text/s as your response to each section. Quotations (and the techniques’ name) should be used to prove your answer: for example: a metaphor “insert quotation from text” is used to represent the aspect of belonging… the body language of the person/character/animal in the visual text “insert name of text” explains how they didn't feel they belonged... alliteration is used “insert quotation” to reinforce the importance of belonging…
The text is in the section and the context is belonging. for example: a metaphor “insert quotation from text” is used to represent the importance of belonging to a family even though that family may be separated by thousands of miles.
layout (visual, written, language, font size etc) images body language (facial, stance, direction of gaze) framing types of shots (long, medium, close-up, extreme close-up) composition (collage, layered) symbolism (particularly consider this in ‘how’ a particular sign or symbol represents journey) reading paths (direction, positioning) gestures (pointing, implied direction, signs).
know and identify the form (letter, poem, lyrics, web page, extract, and so on) features (through reading, identify the language techniques in written, spoken and visual) identify, assess and explain the effectiveness of representing and communicating the concept of belonging from the included texts