Where is Vietnam?
Why Did the United States Fight a War in Vietnam? Two Events that Convinced President Truman to help the French fight the Viet Minh:Two Events that Convinced President Truman to help the French fight the Viet Minh: 1. The fall of China to Communism in Soviet-supported North Korea invading South Korea, creating the Korean War in 1950.
The Domino Theory American policymakers developed the “Domino Theory” as a justification for the involvement in Vietnam. This theory stated, “If South Vietnam falls to the Communist, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Burma, India and Pakistan would also fall like dominos. The Pacific Islands and even Australia could be at risk”.This theory stated, “If South Vietnam falls to the Communist, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Burma, India and Pakistan would also fall like dominos. The Pacific Islands and even Australia could be at risk”.
Conflict Between France & Vietnam In July 1954, after one hundred years of colonial rule by France and then Japan:In July 1954, after one hundred years of colonial rule by France and then Japan: –The French are forced out of Vietnam by Ho Chi Minh’s Viet Minh Forces in a remote mountain outpost of Dien Bien Phu in Vietnam.
The Geneva Peace Accords The Geneva Peace Accords, signed by France and Vietnam in the summer of 1954, provided for the temporary division of Vietnam at the 17th parallel, with national elections in 1956 to reunify the country.The Geneva Peace Accords, signed by France and Vietnam in the summer of 1954, provided for the temporary division of Vietnam at the 17th parallel, with national elections in 1956 to reunify the country. The northern half of Vietnam was controlled by a Communist, led by Ho Chi Minh.The northern half of Vietnam was controlled by a Communist government, led by Ho Chi Minh. supported by the Soviet Union and the People's Republic of China supported by the Soviet Union and the People's Republic of China Hanoi was the capital cityHanoi was the capital city
A New Nation in the South President Eisenhower’s administration helped create a new nation in southern Vietnam.President Eisenhower’s administration helped create a new nation in southern Vietnam. In 1955, South Vietnam was controlled by a democratic government led by Ngo Dinh Diem.In 1955, South Vietnam was controlled by a democratic government led by Ngo Dinh Diem. Diem was an anti-Communist figure from the South.Diem was an anti-Communist figure from the South. With massive amounts of American aid, he won a dubious election that made him president of South VietnamWith massive amounts of American aid, he won a dubious election that made him president of South Vietnam
President “Ike” Eisenhower’s Role in Vietnam Provided aid to Ho Chi Minh against the JapaneseProvided aid to Ho Chi Minh against the Japanese Provided aid to the French against Ho Chi MinhProvided aid to the French against Ho Chi Minh Opposed 1956 Vietnam elections to reunite VietnamOpposed 1956 Vietnam elections to reunite Vietnam Helped place Diem in charge of South Vietnam with 675 U.S. military advisors, but NO military troops, in 1955.Helped place Diem in charge of South Vietnam with 675 U.S. military advisors, but NO military troops, in 1955.
South Vietnam Under Diem Repressive Dictatorial Rule by Diem:Repressive Dictatorial Rule by Diem: –Diem’s family holds all power –Wealth is hoarded by the elite –Buddhist majority persecuted (Diem is Catholic) –Torture and lack of political freedom –Moved peasants off their land into “agrovilles” surrounded by barbed wire. –Suspended any local elections.
Vietnamese “Agroville” or Hamlet
Opposition to Diem The National Liberation Front (NLF) was formed December 20, 1960The National Liberation Front (NLF) was formed December 20, 1960 Buddhist monks and nuns were joined by students, business people, intellectuals, and peasants in opposition to Diem’s corrupt rule.Buddhist monks and nuns were joined by students, business people, intellectuals, and peasants in opposition to Diem’s corrupt rule.
Buddhist Self-Immolations Diem's brother, Ngo Dinh Nhu, had raided the Buddhist pagodas of South Vietnam, claiming that they had harbored the Communists that were creating the political instability.Diem's brother, Ngo Dinh Nhu, had raided the Buddhist pagodas of South Vietnam, claiming that they had harbored the Communists that were creating the political instability. The result was massive protests on the streets of Saigon that led Buddhist monks to self-immolation.The result was massive protests on the streets of Saigon that led Buddhist monks to self-immolation.
Publicized Self-Immolation On June 11, 1963, a Buddhist monk set himself on fire in Saigon to protest Diem’s policies.On June 11, 1963, a Buddhist monk set himself on fire in Saigon to protest Diem’s policies.
President Kennedy and Vietnam Increases military ‘advisors’ to 16,000 to help Diem and crush the NLF.Increases military ‘advisors’ to 16,000 to help Diem and crush the NLF. Sends in more weapons, but no ground troops.Sends in more weapons, but no ground troops. On Nov. 2, 1963, supports a military coup that kills Diem and his brotherOn Nov. 2, 1963, supports a military coup that kills Diem and his brother Kennedy is assassinated later that month (Nov. 22, 1963)Kennedy is assassinated later that month (Nov. 22, 1963)
The Strategic Hamlet Program To counteract the NLF's success in the countryside, Washington and Saigon launched an ambitious military effort in the rural areas.To counteract the NLF's success in the countryside, Washington and Saigon launched an ambitious military effort in the rural areas. –Called the Strategic Hamlet Program, the new counterinsurgency plan rounded up villagers and placed them in "safe hamlets" controlled by the government of South Vietnam. –The idea was to isolate the NLF from villagers, its base of support
NLF Successes By the summer of 1963, because of NLF successes and its own failures, it was clear that the government of South Vietnam was on the verge of political collapse.By the summer of 1963, because of NLF successes and its own failures, it was clear that the government of South Vietnam was on the verge of political collapse.
Viet Minh vs Viet Cong Vietminh – North Vietnamese Communist Forces loyal to Ho Chi Minh.Vietminh – North Vietnamese Communist Forces loyal to Ho Chi Minh. Viet Cong – (slang for Vietnamese Communists) Members of the NLF who oppose Diem and ANY of his supporters in South Vietnam (including U.S.)Viet Cong – (slang for Vietnamese Communists) Members of the NLF who oppose Diem and ANY of his supporters in South Vietnam (including U.S.)
The Green Berets The Green Berets The idea first began under Major Herbert Brucker as a special forces unit in 1953.The idea first began under Major Herbert Brucker as a special forces unit in However, General William P. Yarborough later demonstrated its importance to JFK October 12, 1961.However, General William P. Yarborough later demonstrated its importance to JFK October 12, the President authorized the “Green Beret” as the official headgear for all US Army Special Forces and these Unconventional Warriors were thereafter and ever known as “The Green Berets." Viewer/Archives/JFKWHA aspx
The Gulf of Tonkin Incident In August 1964, in response to American and South Vietnamese espionage along its coast, North Vietnam launched an attack against the C. Turner Joy and the U.S.S. Maddox, two American ships on call in the Gulf of Tonkin.In August 1964, in response to American and South Vietnamese espionage along its coast, North Vietnam launched an attack against the C. Turner Joy and the U.S.S. Maddox, two American ships on call in the Gulf of Tonkin. –The first attack occurred on August 2, –A second attack was supposed to have taken place on August 4, but authorities have recently concluded that no second attack ever took place. ***LBJ pushes for Tonkin Gulf Resolution - Gives him power to send in troops without Congress approval
Lyndon B. Johnson – Operation Rolling Thunder Sends in first ground troops in 1964Sends in first ground troops in 1964 In 1965, Approves bombing raids in North VietnamIn 1965, Approves bombing raids in North Vietnam Approves the use of napalm bombs and “Agent Orange”Approves the use of napalm bombs and “Agent Orange” Instituted the draft for more troopsInstituted the draft for more troops
Helicopters Of all aircraft, the helicopter was the most useful, dropping platoons in the jungle clearings and out again. They were excellent air ambulances.Of all aircraft, the helicopter was the most useful, dropping platoons in the jungle clearings and out again. They were excellent air ambulances.
Viet Cong and Viet Minh Success 1.Both received weapons and aid from Soviet Union and China. 2.Ho Chi Minh trail was used to move supplies through the jungle and other countries. 3.U.S. Bombings were often ineffective due to underground tunnels and refusal to surrender.
Ho Chi Minh Trail Trail used to supply North Vietnamese Forces and Viet CongTrail used to supply North Vietnamese Forces and Viet Cong Ran from North Vietnam to South Vietnam through the countries of Laos and Cambodia.Ran from North Vietnam to South Vietnam through the countries of Laos and Cambodia. U.S. forces were not allowed to enter other countries to pursue VC or Viet Minh forces or to stop the flow of supplies.U.S. forces were not allowed to enter other countries to pursue VC or Viet Minh forces or to stop the flow of supplies.
Tunnel Complexes The Vietnamese built large tunnel complexes such as the ones at Cu Chi near Saigon. This protected them from the bombing raids by the Americans and gave them cover for attacking the invaders.The Vietnamese built large tunnel complexes such as the ones at Cu Chi near Saigon. This protected them from the bombing raids by the Americans and gave them cover for attacking the invaders.
Background Information: This is the true story of the very first battle between the Americans and North Vietnamese in the Ia Drang Valley on November 14, The area is called the Highlands of Vietnam so the terrain is a little different from the later jungle battles. 396 U.S. soldiers under Lieutenant Colonel Hal Moore are led into battle for the first time as the 7 th Cavalry. 4 squads = platoon (40-50 soldiers) 5 platoons = 1 Company 4 to 5 Companies = 1 Battalion 4 to 5 Companies = 1 Battalion
Battle of Ia Drang Valley Battle of Ia Drang Valley : November 14, 1965 Battle of Ia Drang Valley
Where is Vietnam? Complete the Annotated Map
Songs of the Vietnam War Run Through the Jungle by CCRRun Through the Jungle by CCRRun Through the Jungle Run Through the Jungle Fortunate Son by CCR Fortunate Son by CCRFortunate Son Fortunate Son Hey, Joe by Jimi HendrixHey, Joe by Jimi HendrixHey, Joe Hey, Joe We Gotta Get out of This Place by The AnimalsWe Gotta Get out of This Place by The AnimalsWe Gotta Get out of This Place We Gotta Get out of This Place Purple Haze by Jimi HendrixPurple Haze by Jimi HendrixPurple Haze Purple Haze Vietnam War FootageVietnam War FootageVietnam War FootageVietnam War Footage
The Tet Offensive By 1968, things had gone from bad to worse for the Johnson administration. In late January, North Vietnam and the NLF launched coordinated attacks against major southern cities.By 1968, things had gone from bad to worse for the Johnson administration. In late January, North Vietnam and the NLF launched coordinated attacks against major southern cities. These attacks, known as the Tet Offensive, were designed to force the Johnson administration to the bargaining table.These attacks, known as the Tet Offensive, were designed to force the Johnson administration to the bargaining table.