City of San Diego Major LCP Amendment No (Pt. Loma Townhomes Re-submittal) November 17, 2010
Background On October, 7, 2008 San Diego City Council approved an amendment to General Plan, Peninsula Community Plan and Local Coastal Program (LCP ) to: On October, 7, 2008 San Diego City Council approved an amendment to General Plan, Peninsula Community Plan and Local Coastal Program (LCP ) to: – Re-designate a 1.65-acre site at 1275 Scott St. from Industrial, Commercial Fishing and Marine-Related to Mixed Commercial – Implement zoning by allowing a mixed-use project with a Planned Development Permit (PDP) – LCP amendment withdrawn from Coastal Commission certification hearing on Feb. 11, 2010
Modifications Suggested by California Coastal Commission Staff (abbreviated) The 1.65 acre property bounded by Carleton, Dickens and Scott Streets and the port tidelands shall be designated Commercial/Recreation The 1.65 acre property bounded by Carleton, Dickens and Scott Streets and the port tidelands shall be designated Commercial/Recreation …Residential uses may be permitted but only on the upper floors; only commercial leaseholds, live/work quarters and required off-street parking may be located on the ground/street-level …Residential uses may be permitted but only on the upper floors; only commercial leaseholds, live/work quarters and required off-street parking may be located on the ground/street-level
Policy Implications for Commercial Recreation Designated lands under City of San Diego Jurisdiction
Proposed Land Use Modifications would not adversely affect visitor-serving policies Several uses identified by CPCI and included in Suggested Modifications are visitor-serving commercial uses that support adjacent Port Tidelands: Several uses identified by CPCI and included in Suggested Modifications are visitor-serving commercial uses that support adjacent Port Tidelands: – Marine sales/service – Hotels – Beachwear sales – Nautical chart/map businesses – Restaurants
CPCI suggested text change to Suggested Modification: CPCI suggested text change to Suggested Modification: Commercial leaseholds and required off-street parking should be located on the ground floor, however, residential uses and live/work quarters may be considered through discretionary review as a possible ground floor use. Special consideration for ground-floor residential prohibition should be given to water-dependent properties as well as those properties which provide direct coastal access. Special consideration for ground-floor residential prohibition should be given to water-dependent properties as well as those properties which provide direct coastal access.