Detector R&D at Fermilab Some Perspectives Marcel Demarteau For the Fermilab Detector & Physics R&D Group SiD Workshop SLAC January 28-30, 2008
SiD Workshop, Jan , M. DemarteauSlide 2 Some History The Fermilab detector community has been slow in embracing the ILC Initial attempts with narrow focus were not successful Realizing the difficulties to create a successful detector R&D program, adopted a different strategy Our philosophy: detector R&D that is of high enough caliber will be applied in any future experiment –Focus on what we believe are the most promising technologies –Focus on those systems that need an advancement in technology most –Build on our significant strength and strong expertise in engineering for particle detectors – both electrical and mechanical –All detector R&D is carried out with a long time scale in mind, within a broad context but with an ILC emphasis –Adopt a fully integrated approach, that is, cover all system aspects e.g vertex detector: sensor development, associated readout, power delivery, mechanical support, beam tests Defer downselect from a “horizontal approach” to a “vertical approach” as late as possible
SiD Workshop, Jan , M. DemarteauSlide 3 Establishing the 3D silicon Vertical Integration Technology and study of the SOI technology for the application of particle detectors Emphasis is on the development of pixel vertex detectors and associated readout requirements Development of low-mass silicon vertex detectors and trackers Emphasis is on the study of novel support materials and integrated designs, particularly the forward region. Concurrent development of the tracking software enabling optimization of the detector design Characterization of Geiger-mode Avalanche Photo Diodes and their application Geiger-mode Avalanche Photo Diodes allow for highly segmented and highly integrated detector designs with wide range of application, such as scintillator-based detector readout, dual readout calorimetry and muon detection. Study of the feasibility of total absorbing crystal calorimetry based on dual readout As an alternative to PFA with possibly better energy resolution, study of doped crystals for separate readout of Cherenkov and scintillation light Test Beam Provide the support to the user community for beam tests of new technologies ILC Detector R&D: Main Foci
SiD Workshop, Jan , M. DemarteauSlide 4 ILC Detector R&D: Budget Evolution of ILC detector R&D effort over the last few years FY08 –*: An additional $350k in M&S was requested from ART for a dedicated 3D silicon submission –About 4 FTE’s from the Computing Division and 2 FTE’s from the Accelerator Division –M&S budget spent to date: $50k –If additional M&S will be made available for the remainder of the year is unclear ILC detector R&D is not part of the DOE ILC B&R categories –Detector R&D in principle not restricted and could be continued –However, R&D program needs to be realigned given the tectonic budgetary shifts of the ILC and the lab
SiD Workshop, Jan , M. DemarteauSlide 5 Implications for SiD The Computing Division has ceased nearly all ILC effort –Major setback for SiD tracking simulation, the main area where SiD distinguishes itself from the other concepts The lab supports the notion that some technologies are too promising to stop, notably 3D Vertical Integration, SiPM and dual readout There is an unavoidable shift to other applications –Recent focus of 3D effort more towards LHC applications –Interest from the CLIC community in dual readout There will be increased pressure on resources, which will negatively affect the SiD effort, eg. mechanical and electrical engineering Test beam will be fully supported; CALICE coming in March ’08.
SiD Workshop, Jan , M. DemarteauSlide 6 How to Move Forward ? Submitted a ‘keep-alive’ M&S budget request for $180k (in addition to the money spent) Synergies with other projects to establish a more generic detector R&D program –With such a large talent pool, the only way I see possible to maintain and grow a healthy detector R&D program, given the recent events which put many project on an uncertain time scale, is to work within as broad a context as possible. There will be a staff reduction of 100 – 200 people. The remaining staff will need to support the core program. What the implications are for SiD and the ILC detector effort in general is hard to predict at this point.