Daniel Schindler, Ph.D., University of Washington Fisheries Research Institute Salmon research in Western Alaska
Spawning Embryo incubation (~9 mos.) Juvenile rearing in lakes (1-2 years) Ocean residency (1-3 years) Smolt migration Return migration Adapted from Alexis Rockman painting, 1998 Habitat and Life Cycle Sockeye (Red) salmon fisheries
Why do habitat networks matter to fisheries? - portfolio effect -
Togiak Ugashik Egegik Naknek-Kvichak Nushagak Bristol Bay sockeye salmon fisheries data from ADFG updated from Hilborn et al., Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (2003)
Sockeye populations in spawning streams (Wood River, Bristol Bay, Alaska)
Annual returns, , for rivers (8) and streams(13) Portfolio effect in Bristol Bay sockeye salmon stocks riversstreams Coefficient of variation aggregate stock individual pops
Recovery of Kvichak River sockeye - capacity for renewal in natural populations -
Direct and indirect effects of toxins in the environment (copper as an example) Sandahl et al., (2007) Environmental Science and Technology