1      Structural Funds DG REGIO + RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURES for EU COMPETITIVENESS: research and innovation assets Giorgio Rossi, Unimi, ESFRI EB.


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Presentation transcript:

1      Structural Funds DG REGIO + RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURES for EU COMPETITIVENESS: research and innovation assets Giorgio Rossi, Unimi, ESFRI EB member EuroRisNet+ Workshop, Lisboa 5/7/2013 NATIONAL ROADMAPS NATIONAL MINISTRIES GSO Framework for Global Infrastructures G8 + 5

The evolution from the 1950’s to the 90’s Intergovernmental agreements to build RIs in Physics (CERN 1952) It was the easiest case and politically sustainable effort in post WW2 Europe. It acted as a prototype of complex collaboration and long term engagement of European Countries It was followed by Space and Molecular Biology (ESA, ESO, EMBL) Then energy (JET) and finally materials science in the 1980’s ILL, ESRF (1988)

2002: Competitiveness and ESFRI In 2002 the Competitiveness Council was created merging together European Actions, Industry and Research + Space (joint action for EU competitiveness) The CC creates ESFRI in order to develop a Strategy led approach to the Research Infrastructures Mission of ESFRI: identify the needs and possibilities of RI for the EU in ALL FIELDS of research.

The ESFRI forum ESFRI is an informal INTERGOVERNMENTAL forum that reflects the intergovernmental effort that has always been at the basis of RIs: it is formed by the national delegations of MS and AS with a direct link to the Ministers AND science communities AND by the European Commission that develops Framework Programmes and Measures to support a) the development of RI projects b) the use of the existing RIs as well as the integration of networks that can offer services to the EU scientists The financial effort for RI construction and operation is supported by MS and AS, also using Structural Funds (Cohesion, Competitiveness)

The Multidisciplinary Roadmap ESFRI produces the Roadmap in 2006/2008/2010 identifying 48 Projects in: Environment Biology Medicine Energy Social Sciences and Humanities Material science and Analysis Physics and Astrophysics High Power Computing and e-infrastructures

National Roadmapping The Roadmapping process has become a common practice in the MS and AS and mirrors the ESFRI roadmap reflecting the national needs and wills National / Regional RI are side-by-side with the pro-quota participation to the pan-European RIs and are therefore benchmarked in QUALITY (excellence, openness to competitive access, international standard governance and management) National / Regional resources can be redirected / upgraded by constituting nodes of Distributed pan-European RIs Effective joint programming at European level in RIs Good use of Structural Funds for implementing RI and upgrading to RI standard existing facilities

The ERIC regulation The EU parliament approves in 2009 the ERIC regulation to overcome the need of complex intergovernmental agreements for RIs of pan-European interest, not limited to ESFRI projects By approving ERIC the EU attributes some privileges to RIs through tax-exemptions (TVA, excises) AND free procurement rules (respectful of openness and transparency) Great potential, under learning curve of exploitation

The Global scene: G8+5, OECD Global Research Infrastructures have been analysed by the GSO and a framework definition has been recently approved by the G8- Ministerial Meeting in London (June 12 th 2013) The ESFRI results have made the position of the 4 EU Countries in G8+5 quite effective New Global RIs, single site and distributed National RIs that bear relevance and potential to be upgraded to Global with new international governance

The action now and in the near future Roadmap revision is underway by means of implementation check and assessment of governance, management and financial progress (ESFRI-EC assessment group, results due in September 2013) The Strategic Work Groups will re-evaluate the readiness and timeliness of all projects in order to orient the support actions where they can be most effective

The action now and in the near future: 1) SUSTAINABILITY Sustainability implies the best synergic use of all resources available to implement, operate and exploit for maximum return the research Infrastructures National resources, Structural Funds, H2020, EIB loans, ERIC regulation must be concerted and optimized (complementarity and timing) At national level inter-ministerial joint programming in RIs At EC level DG RTD, DG REGIO, DG TAX…

The action now and in the near future: 2) VISION In view of the next full edition of the Roadmap in 2015 criteria and indicators are being continuously refined in order to actualize the ESFRI strategic vision understanding the GAPS in the RI system and the priority actions, in “tune” with the scientific communities “visionary, implementable and sustainable plan for RIs” for contributing to a successful ERA