Job Application Process Understand procedures for gaining employment.
The procedures to follow when looking for a job include: Complete a résumé Write a cover letter (or Letter of Application) Complete a job application Interview with the potential employer Send a thank-you letter
The Résumé
Purposes of a Résumé Provide a summary of the applicant’s qualifications Stimulate interest of an employer Save time in the interview process
Guidelines for Writing a Résumé Keep it to one page, if possible Showcase skills and qualifications, but be honest Use reverse chronological order for education and work experience Use “action verbs” such as, created, designed
Use present tense in describing a current job and past tense for others Get permission to use names as references Make it neat and spell everything correctly Key and proofread carefully Guidelines for Writing a Résumé
Personal data- Name, address, phone number (where you can be reached), and address. Job Objective- the job you are applying for. Education background-list the schools you have attended or are currently attending. Also, includes any subjects or programs in which you are specialized. Work experience/volunteer work- list your work experience beginning with your most recent job. Also, include volunteer work. Contents of a Résumé
Special skills and abilities- list any job-related skills and abilities. Honors and Activities- List any honors or awards you have received. Name activities you have participated in that relate to the job you want. References available upon request- people who will recommend you to an employer. Should not be family members. Teachers, club leaders, neighbors, and anyone you’ve worked for before make good references. Contents of a Résumé
The Cover Letter (or Letter of Application)
Purposes of a Cover Letter Serves as a cover letter when mailing the résumé. Sent in response to want ads
Guidelines for Writing a Cover Letter Neatly type it Address to a specific person Keep the letter brief, clear, and businesslike (1 page) Use personal business letter format
1.First paragraph tells the position you are interested in and where you found out about the position. 2.Middle or second paragraph stimulates interest in your qualifications and refers to your résumé. 3.Last paragraph should cause the reader to contact the applicant to arrange for an interview Contents of a Cover Letter
The Job Application
Purposes of a Job Application Indicates an applicant’s abilities Determines how well an individual can follow directions, understands questions, and organizes answers Indicates neatness, thoroughness, spelling, and writing abilities
Guidelines for Completing a Job Application Have necessary materials on hand – pen, social security number, résumé, names and addresses of former employers and references. Read entire form thoroughly before answering any questions. Complete all blanks; write “NA” or draw a line if an item does not apply to you. Provide honest, complete and accurate information.
Be neat; ask for another form, if necessary. Spell words correctly and fully. Print legibly with black or blue ink. Keying an application is also a professional way to complete an application. Sign properly, if requested. Review form completely. Guidelines for Completing a Job Application