Ms Pittelkau 9/8/ th period
Upon completion of this chapter, students will be able to: Define athletic training Describe the role of the ATC Describe the roles of other health care providers and the sports medicine team List the requirements for becoming a competent ATC Describe the job opportunities available to ATCs
A profession dedicated to maintaining and improving the health and well-being of the physically active population and preventing athletic- related injuries and illnesses
Injury prevention (Role 1) PPE Proper strength and conditioning programs Proper equipment Equipment fitting Taping and Bandaging Bracing Good nutrition
Recognition, Evaluation, and Immediate Care of Athletic Injuries (Role 2) Response CPR/AED and 1 st Aid certification Assessment Treatment Referral
Rehabilitation and Reconditioning of Athletic Injuries (Role 3) Exercises ROM Strength - weights Reconditioning Getting the athlete back into shape for athletic participation
Health care Administration (Role 4) Managing facilities Budgets/purchasing Staff scheduling DOCUMENTATION
Professional Development and Responsibility (role 5) NATA Formed in 1950 Continuing Education Research and seminars Guidelines and Ethics of professional development
Athlete Athlete’s parents Team physician Certified Athletic Trainer Coach
Provides other members with vital information about the injury
Involved in making decisions in the athlete’s best interest
Medical authority Examines the injury and illness Performs diagnostic tests (x-rays, blood work, etc)
Communicates w/ injured athlete, athlete’s parents, team physician, and coach On-site at games and practices Initial injury assessments Provides emergency care Provides follow-up treatment or referrals to other sports medicine team members
Personal relationship with athlete and parents Rehabilitation modifications
Provides specialized care
Primary Care Physician Podiatrist Allergist Urologist Gynecologist Cardiologist Pediatrician
Dentist Physical Therapist Neurologist Student Assistant Chiropractor School nurse Registered dietician Equipment manager
Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education Specified athletic training courses Upon graduation, passing BOC exam Licensure (varies by state)
Licensure Requirements set forth by the state that specifies who is allowed to practice athletic training and what duties they are allowed to perform Certification An acknowledgement by an organization or certification board that states a person possesses specific skills and competencies Registration The step of contacting state authorities prior to acting in capacity of an ATC (required by law in some states)
Athletic Injury Evaluation Upper Extremity Lower Extremity Human Anatomy/Physiology Exercise Physiology Biomechanics Psychology Nutrition Pharmacology Physics Modalities Rehabilitation Organization and Administration
Scholastic Environments High Schools settings/secondary-schools-setting Colleges settings/colleges-universities-setting
Professional Teams settings/professional-sports-setting
Hospital/Clinical settings/clinical-settinghttp:// settings/clinical-setting Industrial/Occupational settings/industrial-occupational-setting Military
Performing Arts Physician Extender settings/physician-extender-setting Public Safety settings/public-safety-setting
You see an injured athlete waiting in the athletic training room. She says that she doesn’t understand why she has to see her primary physician because she has already been evaluated by the ATC and the team physician?
You are one of two student assistants working with a school’s ATC. The other student assistant asks you if it is alright to apply a hot pack to an athlete’s injury because the ATC is busy speaking with a parent?