KINE Coaching: The Art and Science “ Attitude is an inner concept. It is the most important thing you can develop in your life.” Wayne Dwyer
2 Go to 'header and footer' under the 'view' menu to add or remove text to in area. COURSE DIRECTOR Wally Dyba 319 Stong College ext Office Hours Tuesday – 3:30 – 4:30 pm Thursday – 3:30 – 4:30 pm Or by appointment
3 COURSE DIRECTOR Part of the Dyba family D Y B A - DO - YOUR - BEST - ALWAYS
4 Course Director –Senior Lecturer –(Tenured Faculty) –Head Coach Lions Men’s Volleyball –National Team Coach Indoor Beach –Females –Club Coach –Youth Sport soccer Basketball –Parent
5 Course Outline Web Site: Introductory Module Bundle Part A Making Ethical Decisions Practice Planning Nutrition Introductory Module Bundle Part B Teaching and Learning Design a Basic Sport Program Basic Mental Skills
6 Texts Introduction to Competition: Bundles –Part A - Reference Material. –Part A - Coach Workbook. –Part B – Reference Material –Part B - Coach Workbook NCCP (2007). National Coaching Certification Program - Ottawa: Coaching Association of Canada Available in the Book Store
7 Evaluation On-line Assessment – 5% –Ethical Decision Making –By Wednesday November 5, 2014 Midterm Examination – 30% –Monday October 27, 2014 Practice Observation Report – 25% Final Examination – 30% –Examination Period Coach Workbook Modules – 10% –Submission dates – see course outline
8 Workbook Modules Bring to class (Part A or B) Tasks in class or assigned Handwritten in INK Completion dates (see course website) Collection for credit (10%) –In class collection only Academic Performance – Do work well – Do work on time – Fulfill requirements as outlined Basis of Success
9 Mental Skills – Goal Setting Outcome Goals - what do you want to accomplish? Process Goals - how do you plan to plan achieve the outcome?
10 ABC’s of Academic Success A B C D E F Attend all classes Begin assignments early Clarify any uncertainties Deadlines are met Everything is submitted Failure if fail to do the above
11 SUCCESS No special secret to success Success is a matter of choice One decides to be successful Elements of success - ability - opportunity - facilitator - work ethic Outliers – Malcolm Gladwell (2009) Bounce – Matthew Syed (2010) Talent Code – Daniel Coyle (2009)
12 Core Competencies – Problem Solving – Critical Thinking – Valuing – Leading – Interaction Eagles and Ducks
13 Assignment Practice Observation – 25% - observe and document 2 youth sport practice situations of the same team/individuals - practices are of teams/individuals in competitive situations - submit practice planning and activity planning sheets (typed with “neat” diagrams) - report on your observations - outline and critically evaluate various aspects of the practice - drill set up, feedback, logistics, safety, etc. - reference APA style (see course website)
14 To promote an environmental culture of academic integrity Internet-based service Scan submitted works for similarity Advance the academic reputation of course, program, university Makes degree more valuable
15 Drop Date Friday November 7, 2014 Student is responsible for academic rules and regulations (see University calendar -
16 Why are you here? Groups of 5 People you don’t know Background info – memorable Why are you taking course?
17 Why are you here? Need academic course Need “bird” course University-Bird-Courses.aspx Like sport Interested in teaching Meet the “love of my life” I want to coach! Potential leaders of our (sport) culture