Phonological Awareness (letter/sound placement make words) Kindergarten Verbally blend compound words Teacher: rain bow Student: rainbow Verbally blend multisyllabic words Teacher: ta ble Student: table Verbally blend initial sound/word Teacher: r ain Student: rain Verbally blend 2-3 letter words Teacher: s-i-t Student: sit First Grade Verbally blend 2-3 letter words Teacher: s-i-t Student: sit Verbally blend words containing blends/digraphs Teacher: c-l-a-m Student: clam Verbally blend words with 5 or more distinguishable sounds Teacher: s-t-a-n-d Student: stand
Phonological Awareness (letter/sound placement make words) Kindergarten Not Applicable First Grade Verbally segment sounds from a given word. Teacher: ham Student: h-a-m Teacher: sled Student: s-l-e-d Teacher: throw Student: th-r-ow Teacher: sneak Student: s-n-ee-k
Basic Phonics Skills Kindergarten Identify letter sounds (visually) Consonants s, p, q, j, etc. Vowels (short/long sound) Student identifies short vowel sounds and knows that vowels can also say own name (not know rules) Short Vowel Words Students read/decode words tan, kid, hum First Grade Short Vowel with Blends stem, drip, sand, Short Vowel with Digraphs chat, wish, song Long Vowel/Silent e tape, bike, rose Long Vowel Digraphs sail, road, meet, day R-Controlled Vowels corn, bark, her, firm, purse, Other Vowel Digraphs hood, boot, soil, toy, clown, loud, claw, faun
Spelling Inventory Kindergarten Short Vowel Words man, set, pin, rob, hum Consonant Blends spot, plan, cost, smell First Grade Short Vowel Words man, set, man, set, pin, rob, hum Consonant Blends spot, plan, cost Long Vowel tame, line, keep credit given for using long vowel pattern e.g. rode for road
High Frequency Words 1 I 2 see 3 a 4 like 5 at 6 the 7 can 8 to 9 it 10 in 11 is 12 an 13 me 14 my 15 you 16 on 17 we 18 and 19 he 20 if 21 up 22 look 23 go 24 play 25 for 26 did 27 as 28 be 29 by 30 his 31 had 32 not 33 but 34 will 35 has 36 him 37 its 38 are 39 of 40 with 41 this 42 from 43 have 44 or 45 your 46 said 47 do 48 them 49 she 50 so 51 then 52 that 53 all 54 into 55 her 56 than 57 just 58 little 59 very 60 after 61 was 62 they 63 one 64 two 65 out 66 over 67 were 68 there 69 some 70 more 71 first 72 what 73 when 74 make 75 time 76 been 77 most 78 made 79 each 80 called 81 may 82 these 83 way 84 find 85 know 86 use 87 many 88 other 89 only 90 down 91 how 92 their 93 which 94 about 95 could 96 would 97 who 98 now 99 long 100 where
Irregular HF Words theonewould ofwhatother awereinto totheirtwo youyourcould wastherebeen aresaidwho theydopeople frommanyonly havesomefind waterputworld veryagainwant wordolddifferent wheregreattogether mostshouldschool throughgiveonce anothersomethingenough comethoughtsometimes workbothfour doesoftenhead KindergartenFirst Grade
Oral Text Reading Kindergarten Predictable text Pattern sentence read to student by the teacher Read grade level HF words Decode simple CVC words Use pictures/initial sounds to read additional vocabulary 95% accuracy (or above) Identify initial letter and/or sounds within text Distinguish letters from words First Grade Multiple sentences on each page Both fiction/non fictional text Use HF words to read with fluency, ( including irregular words) Decode words with blends, digraphs, long/r-control vowels Read/ self -correct for meaning 95% accuracy (or above) Retell story with detail Respond to questions w/ detail Make real life text connections Read with fluency with ___ WPM (WPM range is dependent upon book level)
Writing Kindergarten Single, detailed sentence on a given topic Conventions Capitalization Use lower case letters Appropriate end mark(s) Word spacing Left to right w/ return Spell CVC, CCVC words correctly Edit for grade level HF words First Grade Three or more sequential sentences on a given topic Spell using grade level patterns long vowels, r-controlled, etc. Edit for grade level HF words, including irregular words Topic sentence, details, closing Descriptive words, phrases
Math Kindergarten Count to 100 without error beginning at any given number between 0-99 Count by 10s to 100 without error Count objects 1 by 1 to 20 Compare number and number of objects to 20 First Grade Count to 120 without error beginning at any given number between Count by 10s to 120 without error Compare numbers from 0 to 120 using the symbols >, <, =
Math Kindergarten Write numbers to 20 in order E.G Write numbers to 20 when dictated out of order E.G Recognize numbers to 20 when shown out of order Represent numbers to 20 using place value rods/cubes E.G. 14 First Write numbers to 120 in order E.G Write numbers to 120 when dictated out of order E.G Recognize numbers to 120 when shown out of order Represent numbers to 120 using place value blocks, rods/cubes E.G. 67
Math 113
Unit Assessments Kindergarten Operations and Algebraic Thinking Understand addition as putting together and adding to understand subtraction as taking apart and taking from. Number and Operations in Base Ten Work with numbers 11–19 to gain foundations for place value. Measurement and Data Describe and compare measurable attributes. Classify objects and count the number of objects in categories. Geometry Identify and describe shapes. Analyze, compare, create, and compose shapes. First Operations and Algebraic Thinking Represent/solve problems involving addition and subtraction. Understand/apply properties of operations and the relationship between addition/subtraction. Add and subtract within 20. Work with addition/subtraction equations. Number and Operations in Base Ten Extend the counting sequence. Understand place value. Use place value understanding and properties of operations to add and subtract. Measurement and Data Measure lengths indirectly and by iterating length units. Tell and write time. Represent and interpret data. Geometry Reason with shapes and their attributes