CIRED presentation Improving Quality of Service – Information and Incentives in the GB Electricity Industry Alan Friday (ERA Technology Ltd), Chris Watts (Ofgem) Mott MacDonald
CIRED presentation Contents Overview of IIP Audit framework Statistical work Overall impressions Results of the audit
CIRED presentation Overview of IIP Address known weaknesses of RPI-X regulation for the DNOs –Improve quality of service data –Improve balance between incentives for cost efficiency and quality of service Key quality of service measures identified as being: –Frequency and duration of supply interruptions –Speed and quality of telephone response
CIRED presentation Overview of IIP (2) Over past 2 years Ofgem and the industry have been working to ensure that quality of supply information is –accurate –as consistent as possible across companies To achieve these goals Ofgem has put in place: –standard definitions and guidance –minimum levels of accuracy for reporting interruptions –annual audits of data
CIRED presentation Overview of IIP (3) New quality of service incentive scheme in place on DNOs from 1 April 2002 to 31 March 2005 Up to 2 % revenue at risk (£4 million) Rewards and penalties for performance against own targets for number and duration of interruptions Relative scheme for quality of telephone response
CIRED presentation Accuracy MPAN’s Connectivity Model Stage 1 Statistical Analysis Sample Size & Make-up Ofgem’s requirements Stage 2 Sample Accuracy Final Accuracy Audit of Reporting Stage 3 Audit framework
CIRED presentation Statistical analysis- nature of interruption data Data is highly skewed Mean = 191 Median = 12 = 817 Usual method using sampling charts based on normal distribution not applicable
CIRED presentation Statistical analysis- describing the data Data fitting software used to investigate which distribution best describes the data Lognormal provided the best fit Characterised by 50% value (M) and slope (S) Iterative process used to define sample size
CIRED presentation Audit process Data from each DNO analysed to determine sample sizes for low voltage and higher voltage interruptions Specific incidents selected and communicated to each DNO to allow preparation Each incident scrutinised by audit team to determine appropriate CIs and CMLs Audited and reported values recorded in incident work book Workbook for each DNO used to determine accuracy of measurement system
CIRED presentation Results of the audit Main sources of inaccuracy were: –inaccurate reporting of customer numbers before new connectivity systems were introduced –manual intervention in incident reporting –inaccurate reporting of customer numbers for LV faults affecting only part of a feeder –missing restoration stages –incorrect incident start times
CIRED presentation Overall impressions Impressive amount of work has been done by all DNOs in developing their systems to meet accuracy targets Welcome the commitment that DNOs have made to the audit process –preparation of audit trail –availability of appropriate staff Culture change in many DNOs emphasising importance of correct information