Recommendations from Previous Review Greg Bock Fermilab Science & Technology Review November
Greg Bock, Fermilab S&T Review, Nov LAB MANAGEMENT PERFORMANCE A clear goal of the new director Working to establish Fermilab as a global partner FNAL Directorate must be diligent to ensure that the US HEP community sees FNAL as the major resource for all US HEP. New director began by seeking info from across the field—domestic and international, university and laboratory Increased meetings with Collaborations Increased openness in decision processes P5 process underway Fermilab recommendations support a strong program in three frontiers Continued and substantial engagement in all three frontiers is appropriate and recommended
Greg Bock, Fermilab S&T Review, Nov STRATEGIC PLANNING LBNE is in the process of developing international partnerships - expanding the scope of the first phase to include an underground far detector and a near detector, while maintaining the same DOE total project cost. The phasing of LBNE with respect to Project X and other smaller experiments and projects is the subject of the recently formed Fermilab Science Priorities Working Group, which is charged to deliver its report to the Fermilab Director and Fermilab staff before the first public meeting of P5 on November 2-4, This group is considering different funding scenarios consistent with those to which P5 will respond. Develop a straw man timeline that shows the different stages of LBNE, Project X and the time when new smaller experiments could fit into the program.The straw man program should be flexible enough to respond to possible changes in the assumed HEP budget.
Greg Bock, Fermilab S&T Review, Nov Budget/Workforce Planning Management team initiated the development of a single, integrated Laboratory Agenda Captured the major initiatives, enabling capabilities, strategies and critical outcomes needed to deliver the laboratory’s missiion Reviewed semi-annually in management workshops in order to ensure currency Serve as the foundation for the Laboratory Annual Plan and Budget. The new Laboratory Director initiated a major review of the Lab Agenda in September 2013 to validate, and modify emphasis and direction. Attention being paid to matrix management POG Lessons learned The lab would benefit from an in-depth cost review. The goal of the review will be a coherent picture of the tasks and resources going into the various elements of its long term planning document. Manpower management would be an important component of such a review. The lab’s workforce planning process should encompass the entire workforce, not just the projects as shown during the review, and it should be extended out to 2020.
Greg Bock, Fermilab S&T Review, Nov Accelerator Operations PIP funding re-evaluated following sequestration and budget reprogramming. Additional funding provided in late FY13. The actual PIP funding profile has not followed the plan formulated in FY11. Progress slower than the original plan, Result - delay in the time at which the Booster will be capable of delivering 15 Hz beam pulses. Sharing of beam between NOvA, MicroBooNE and the SY120 program is required. The metrics model presented in this review reflects the program planning priorities. The funding profile for the PIP should be reevaluated, particularly in FY13, and the impacts on the post shutdown experimental program should be determined.
Greg Bock, Fermilab S&T Review, Nov Scientific Computing SCD Head - meetings with Microboone post doc's to discuss code development Working hard to mitigate issues and provide a more professional software development environment. Ongoing engagement. Tutorial (including examples) for using ART (LArSoft) Get students and post doc's up to speed more quickly Goal is to shorten the learning curve for university partners Work in progress Microboone has made tremendous strides in developing its reconstruction algorithms in the past 12 months FNAL should continue to vigorously seek needed additional resources from US Universities to mitigate limitations and problems in software packages and their support.
Greg Bock, Fermilab S&T Review, Nov Scientific Computing Well engaged in supporting collaboration tools WRT simulation Significant development effort on new ROOT version to have multithreading capability Support Pythia and continue to improve modeling that benefits IF community Starting process to support GENIE (IF event generator) providing better code development environment, releases, testing etc. New associate scientist to implement better modeling Strong partnership with ASCR (office of Advanced Scientific Computing Research) in prototyping GEANT4 Teaching experiments how to use OSG resources to run their simulations - NOvA and mu2e Workbook bring University collaborators up to speed faster The scientific computing division should present their current status and plans for developing and supporting simulation tools at a focused review after Snowmass. If there is no plan, they should develop one because adequate simulation tools are critical to the lab’s success in developing new intensity frontier initiatives. The plan should address the problem stated by several groups at this review – that simulations of several of the most important intensity frontier experiments at FNAL, including MicroBooNE and LBNE, are lagging other approaches to developing experimental designs and are, therefore, not actively contributing to the success of the program.
Greg Bock, Fermilab S&T Review, Nov NOvA Major developments since last review No obvious non-APD solutions available to achieve the NOvA scientific goals in a timely way. Efforts have been focused on finding ways to ensure that the some APD solution works. There are no TEC problems Almost all APD's in hand, but a different APD problem has occurred. The selected coating process was an initial success, but in June there began to be problems with noise that is related to the coating. There has been substantial lab effort and management attention paid to this issue. FNAL must intervene as needed to prepare a realizable plan B if the problems with the APD/thermo- coolers compromise the NOvA’s schedule and cost.
Greg Bock, Fermilab S&T Review, Nov NOvA (2) Approximately 2 fte's to work on APD issues since the problem discovered. QA and project experts worked with CalTech to examine procedures in the lab there and at the coater, and developed a plan forward. Additional scientific effort has been applied to study the APD's behavior here at the lab. A 32 APD test stand has been used in the NDOS building to run long term tests in a controlled environment. There has been substantial management focus on solving this issue, and there is are solutions that are being implemented. All evidence points to those solutions being successful, but validation will come with longer term tests that have begun, but are not complete. These solution will deliver and install APD's within the NOvA cost and schedule profile. FNAL must intervene as needed to prepare a realizable plan B if the problems with the APD/thermo- coolers compromise the NOvA’s schedule and cost.
Greg Bock, Fermilab S&T Review, Nov MicroBooNE The lab has provided additional space at the D0 assembly building to house short term university guests here to construct the detector. Added high level scientific assistance to a critical system that had fallen behind, which resulted in on-time installation. Provided engineering, design/draft, and technical assistance well in excess to that initially requested by the project, to keep the cryogenic systems on schedule. FNAL should take steps to ensure that MicroBooNE has all reasonable and necessary support to maximize its probability of early success.
Greg Bock, Fermilab S&T Review, Nov Mu2e No path forward has been identified to achieve this Continuously engaged in value engineering to meet the CD-0 mission at the lowest possible cost. Considered staging scenarios modest cost savings in the short term marginal sensitivity and discovery potential to interesting regions of BSM parameter space Ultimately increase the total cost and schedule required to achieve the mission need. FNAL should review why the team has not considered other reasonable experimental concepts that could produce results at interesting levels of sensitivity less than 10 ⁴, but at much earlier times. Such a review should consider if staging of this experiment is feasible, cost effective and more timely.
Summary FNAL has carefully considered and attempted to respond positively to all recommendations Further evidence of this in later talks Greg Bock, Fermilab S&T Review, Nov