Nadiah Binti Has Bullah P84353 Research Methodology 1 Task 2 : Literature Review and Conceptual Framework Nadiah Binti Has Bullah P84353
Phonicplay for the LINUS pupils in improving reading skills Why phonic? Meet the MOE Objective Bottom –up strategy Suitable for beginner reader or weak pupils Factors Interference of their first language Lack of teaching aids or teaching approaches Theory Social cognitivism – Zone of Proximal Development (Vygotsky) Phonic play ICT - Fun and interesting Participants Year 1 pupils who did not pass the reading screening test Variables Independent Phonicplay – a programme using ICT to teach phonics using synthetic phonic (Diaz,2009) Dependent Pupils’ reading skills Achievement in post test Phonicplay for the LINUS pupils in improving reading skills
Problem in reading English material The Malay language is neutral in length as there is no distinction of vowel length in the language. However English has five long vowels making non-native speakers have difficulties in distinguishing long and short vowels. (Phoon, 2010) Problem in reading English material
Problem in reading English material A study conducted by Ahmad, Goh & Wan (2004) concludes that Chinese learners in Malaysia tend to spell the way they pronounce their words. Thus, in that way, they are simplifying the spelling of the words based on the sound system that they practice and articulate. A strong influence of the Bahasa Malaysia over the learning of English. (Marlyna Maros, Tan Kim Hua, and Khazriyati ,2007) Problem in reading English material
Problem in reading English material A study conducted by Lyall (2005)concludes that the absence of a reading culture and teachers' lack of knowledge about approaches to the teaching of reading has resulted in high levels of illiteracy Problem in reading English material
Current studies have shown systematic and synthetic phonics to be beneficial for children who are in their beginning stage of learning reading the phonics strategy would boost their confidence and increase their interest in reading and spelling (Ehri, Nunes, Stahl &Willows, 2001) Acquiring the decoding skills in beginning reading enhances children subsequent reading venture. The phonics method corresponds well to this notion with its set of linguistic rules such as the grapheme phoneme correspondences and blending that help children in decoding words (Rose, 2006). Why phonic?
Malaysian public schools are gearing towards learner- centeredness and using phonics as a strategy for teaching reading (KSSR English Curriculum Specifications, 2010). Decoding is a key component in the acquisition of early literacy skills (Juel, 1988). Why phonic?
Early synthetic phonics was clearly represented by Orton-Gillingham methods (Orton & Gillingham,1937), in their step-by-step approach to teach children with severe reading disability or who are dyslexics. Manzo and Manzo (1993) Synthetic phonic
Synthetic phonics emphasises on these steps to help learners to acquire automatic decoding skills and thus paves the way for word recognition. The fundamental step in achieving word recognition is decoding, whereby a child is able to associate the sounds (phonemes) represented by a letter or a combination of letters (graphemes), and to identify the complete word For example, recognising the sounds of /buh/eɪ/tuh/ (/b/eɪ/t/) in ‘bait’ will enable them to produce the word ‘bait’. (Rose, 2006) Synthetic phonic
audio visual and other visual aids enhance students’ interest in learning literature Sivapalan, Wan Fatimah Ahmad & Nur Khairun Ishak (2009) Phonicplay / ICT
Diaz, G. , Sanabria; Torres-Mdel, R; Iglesias, J. et al. (2009) Diaz, G., Sanabria; Torres-Mdel, R; Iglesias, J. et al. (2009) .“Changes in Reading Strategies in School age Children”. Journal of Psychology Vol. 12 (2): 441-453. PMID Manzo, A. V., & Manzo, U. C. (1993). Literacy disorders: Holistic diagnosis and remediation. Fort Worth, TX: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich College Publishers. Rose, J. (2006). Independent review of the teaching of early reading. Retrieved 1 April 2016 from Lyall, Alison. (2005). Impact of a Program to Teach Reading Strategies to Primary Children in Rural Malaysia. Retrieved 1 April 2016 from References
Abdul Rashid Mohamed, Goh, L. L. & Wan Rose Eliza. (2004) Abdul Rashid Mohamed, Goh, L.L. & Wan Rose Eliza. (2004). English errors and Chinese learners. Sunway College Journal, 1, 83-97. Retrieved 29 March 2016 from 20learners.pdf Phoon, H.S. (2010). The phonological development of Malaysian English speaking Chinese children: a normative study. Retrieved 1 April 2016, from ext.pdf;jsessionid=39285C10B18E45B6F607A9D8B5DCD5D0?sequence=1 Sivapalan, S., Wan Fatimah Ahmad & Nur Khairun Ishak. A Web-Based Multimedia Approach to Literature in Malaysian Secondary Schools: Designs and Learning Preferences. Retrieved on 30 March 2016 from ARNA_%26_WAN_FATIMAH.pdf References
Ehri, L. C. , Nunes, S. R. , Stahl, S. A. , & Willows, D. M. (2001) Ehri, L. C., Nunes, S. R., Stahl, S. A., & Willows, D. M. (2001). Systematic phonics instruction helps students learn to read: Evidence from the National Reading Panel's meta-analysis. Review of Educational Research, 71(3), 393-447. Juel, C. (1988). Learning to read and write: A longitudinal study of 54 children from first through fourth grades. Journal of Educational Psychology, 80, 437-447. Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia. (2010). Dokumen Standard Kurikulum Sekolah Rendah Bahasa Inggeris SK Tahun Satu & Dua. Putrajaya: Bahagian Pembangunan Kurikulum. Marlyna Maros, Tan Kim Hua, & Khazriyati Salehuddin. (2007). Interference in learning English: Grammatical errors in English essay writing among rural Malay secondary school students in Malaysia. Journal e-Bangi, 2(2), 1-15. References