L5 Assembly 10 Sept C. Irmler (HEPHY Vienna) 8 th Belle II VXD Workshop OS5.905
L5.001 Assembly - Executive Summary First ladder with batch0 Origami hybrids (verification of new PA0) OCE and O-Z received Aug. 17 th start of L5.001 assembly –Detailed optical inspection and electrical test –No cracks on PA0 found, worked well! OS5.001 completed Aug. 27 th –First source test of batch0 Origamis no problems found Ladder completed Sept. 2 nd –Mechanical survey and electrical test done last week –First full scan with 90 Sr source performed last Monday Currently thermal cycling is ongoing –-30°C to 60°C, ~100 cycles Followed by another mech. survey, electrical test and source scan C. Irmler (HEPHY Vienna)10 Sept
L5.001 Components SFW003, SBW002 SPA5.001 (-z) –DSSD: (1 pinhole, 5 AC_AL open, 11 DC defects) –PA1-3r –PA2-3r SPA5.002 (ce) –DSSD: (21 DC defects) –PA1-3r –PA2-3r OCE063, O-Z064 with wide PA0 RS5.007 C. Irmler (HEPHY Vienna)10 Sept
L5.001 Pictures C. Irmler (HEPHY Vienna)10 Sept L5.001 during electrical test with APVDAQ setup L5.001 in transport box GND wires attachment (BW) 4
Difficulties during PA1, PA2 Gluing O-Z –Glue leak on PA1 close to vacuum hole of nozzle ~14 pads of APV p4 covered could be cleaned –Some spots with less glue on PA2 Close to vacuum holes, too Could apply additional glue with thin pin by hand OCE –Applied 3 rows of glue (instead of 2) –Reduced vacuum strength during curing of glue –Achieved good results with uniform glue spread Vacuum holes seem to be too large –Prepared new nozzles with smaller but more holes –Will verify them with mockup and class C ladder C. Irmler (HEPHY Vienna)10 Sept Current and new vacuum nozzle old: Ø2.5 mm new: Ø1.8 mm 5
PA1, PA2 Gluing Results O-Z (1) C. Irmler (HEPHY Vienna)10 Sept Glue leak After cleaning with Teflon tip No problems during wire bonding All channels connected Glue spread due to vacuum suction 6
PA1, PA2 Gluing Results O-Z (2) C. Irmler (HEPHY Vienna)10 Sept Some spots with less glue on O-Z all close to vacuum holes Same location after applying of additional glue 7
PA1, PA2 Gluing Results OCE C. Irmler (HEPHY Vienna)10 Sept PA2 PA1 Very good results on OCE Uniform glue spreads no locations with too little glue 8
Touched Wire Bonds During PA bending of O-Z, some bond wires of OCE were accidently touched –~35 wires between PA0 and n-side of DSSD affected –Strips –All wires could be replaced C. Irmler (HEPHY Vienna)10 Sept Damaged wires Repaired wires 9
SilPad on BW end mount Additional dot of SilPad on Kokeshi pin to minimize gap between pin and end the hybrid board Prevents that pin can be pushed back during ladder mount C. Irmler (HEPHY Vienna)10 Sept
Mechanical Survey of L5.001 Measured position of all Sensors –Same measurement as we did for previous ladders –Repeated measurement 5 times Results are slightly worse than those of L5.904 –Larger spread between individual measurements Found that the slider was adjusted to stiff –Caused deformation of the ladder –Needed to re-adjust the FW slider strength –Still not perfect, but in acceptable range Should define a procedure to verify the proper adjustment of the slider before the FW end mount is used for a ladder C. Irmler (HEPHY Vienna)10 Sept
L5.001 Mechanical Survey Results Average of 5 Measurements C. Irmler (HEPHY Vienna)10 Sept
L5.001 Mechanical Survey Results Average of 5 Measurements C. Irmler (HEPHY Vienna)10 Sept Average displacement –x, y: better than ±100µm –z: ~ ±100µm 13
L5.001 Mechanical Survey Details C. Irmler (HEPHY Vienna)10 Sept Sensor Offset data XYZ SensorPosition nominalmean offsetMin/Max nominalmean offsetMin/Max nominalmean offsetMin/Max [mm] [µm] [mm] [µm] [mm] [µm] BWD f53,61053, / 12-29,150-29, / 2114,82014, / 16 h53,61053, / -529,45029, / 2014,82014, / 257 e177,510177, / 14-29,150-29, / 6014,82014, / 55 g177,510177, / -429,45029, / 6014,82014, / 192 -Z f178,610178, / 97-29,150-29, / 2414,82014, / 109 h178,610178, / 7429,45029, / 2914,82014, / 271 e302,510302, / 99-29,150-29, / 8314,82014, / 89 g302,510302, / 7529,45029, / 8114,82014, / 145 CE f303,610303, / 87-29,150-29, / 8714,82014, / 59 h303,610303, / 7729,45029, / 8914,82014, / 126 e427,510427, / 94-29,150-29, / 12514,82014, / 97 g427,510427, / 7929,45029, / 12614,82014, / 95 FWD f428,657428, / ,932-29, / 13914,54114, / 94 h428,657428, / -4330,23230, / 14114,54114, / 171 e548,934548, / ,144-20, / 52-19,948-19, / 53 g548,934548, / -5220,44420, / 59-19,948-20, / -69 Ladder was removed from rib jig between measurements Rather large spread between measurements due to FW slider Offset of single measurement O(±200µm) 14
Electrical Test Detailed incoming inspections of SFW, SBW and Origami hybrids –Optical inspection –Electrical test with standard runs –Comparison with previous results (aDefectFinder) –Already reported during SVD meetings –Results in a nutshell: everything was fine Performed first electrical test after completion of Origami sub-assembly OS5.001 Finally tested the full ladder C. Irmler (HEPHY Vienna)10 Sept
Electrical Test of OS5.001 OS5.001 on assembly bench Performed usual measurements (Pedestal, IntCal, Vsep) –Data analyzed with aDefectFinder Manual source scan of n-side strips on assembly bench. –Verification of new PA0 design –OS5.001 worked fine, no problems with batch0 Origamis C. Irmler (HEPHY Vienna)10 Sept
aDefectFinder Output: OS z C. Irmler (HEPHY Vienna)10 Sept Defects of sensor pnpn not seen with APVDAQ Side Strip aDefectFinder resultHPK resultsComment p0short avg, cal. amp. rather low p1noisy p2 p320noisy neighbour p321noisyP_AC_AL_open p322noisyP_AC_AL_open p323noisyP_AC_AL_open p324noisy neighbor p383noisy p384noisy p408noisy neighbor p409noisyP_AC_AL_open p410noisyP_AC_AL_open p411noisy neighbor p720short p721short p722pinhole is this #22 in HPK list? p765noisy p766noisy p767short no short n0noisy n1laser masked by TuxOA --> noisy n2laser neighbor of masked strip n510noisy neighbor of open n511noisy open between PA0 and sensor 17
Pinhole OS5.001 –z, p-side strip 722 C. Irmler (HEPHY Vienna)10 Sept
OS5.001 –z, Wrongly Identified Short C. Irmler (HEPHY Vienna)10 Sept
aDefectFinder Output: OS5.001 ce C. Irmler (HEPHY Vienna)10 Sept Defects of sensor pnpn No match between HPK data and APVDAQ results Sensor has only DC defects according to HPK Pinhole found at p-side strip 692 Side Strip aDefectFinder resultHPK resultsComment p0short wrongly interpreted p1noisy p2 p383noisy p384short wrongly interpreted p692pinhole p765noisy p766short wrongly interpreted p767short wrongly interpreted n0noisy n1laser masked by TuxOA n2laser neighbour of masked strip n510laser repaired WB n511noisy repaired WB no match with HPK data 20
Pinhole OS5.001 ce, p-side strip 692 C. Irmler (HEPHY Vienna)10 Sept
OS5.001 ce, Wrongly Identified Short C. Irmler (HEPHY Vienna)10 Sept
OS5.001 Source Scan Hit Maps n-side C. Irmler (HEPHY Vienna)10 Sept Details on Belle Twiki: Hit Map Noise -z ce -z ce
OS SNR 24C. Irmler (HEPHY Vienna)10 Sept zce n-side p-side
Summary OS5.001 tests Good performance of OS5.001 –No serious issues found –Some noisy channels –Good agreement between AC defects listed HPK and results APVDAQ results for –z –Pinhole of –z sensor on strip 722 instead of 22 –Additional pinhole found on ce sensor –SNR as expected –No indication for problems with new PA0 design 25C. Irmler (HEPHY Vienna)10 Sept. 2015
Electrical Test of L5.001 L5.001 was tested with APVDAQ –One measurement per sensor –Pedestal, IntCal and Vsep scan –Data analyzed with aDefectFinder 26C. Irmler (HEPHY Vienna)10 Sept L5.001 placed into test box, ready for APVDAQ test of OCE sensor
aDefectFinder Output: L z C. Irmler (HEPHY Vienna)10 Sept Side Strip OS5.001 resultHPK results p0short p1noisy p2 p320noisy p321noisyP_AC_AL_open p322noisyP_AC_AL_open p323noisyP_AC_AL_open p324noisy p383noisy p384noisy p408noisy p409noisyP_AC_AL_open p410noisyP_AC_AL_open p411noisy p720short p721short p722pinhole p765noisy p766noisy p767short n0noisy n1laser n2 n510noisy n511noisy 27 SideStrip L5.001 resultcomments p0noisy p1 p2 p321noisy P_AC_AL_open p322noisy P_AC_AL_open p323noisy P_AC_AL_open p383noisy p384noisy p409noisy P_AC_AL_open p410noisy P_AC_AL_open p512pinholewrongly identified p765noisy p766noisy p767noisy n0 n510noisy n511noisyopen (not bonded) L5.001 analyzed w/o source scan data Some noisy channels of OS5.001 (yellow lines) are now good Assembly bench is a possible noise source Pinhole at strip 722 disappeared why? Wrongly identified pinhole at strip 512
Wrong Pinhole L5.001 –z, p-side strip 512 C. Irmler (HEPHY Vienna)10 Sept
aDefectFinder Output: L5.001 ce C. Irmler (HEPHY Vienna)10 Sept Full agreement between the two measurements Still two wrongly identified shorts –Should include 4 neighboring strips (n-2, n-1, n+1, n+2) to classify shorts –At least two of those strips need to be short-circuited, otherwise the strip is just noisy No laser / source data used for L5.001 analysis (yellow lines) Pinhole confirmed at p-side strip 692 not identified by HPK Side Strip OS5.001 resultHPK results p0short p1noisy p2 p383noisy p384short p692pinhole p765noisy p766short p767short n0noisy n1laser n2 n510laser n511noisy no match with HPK data 29 SideStrip L5.001 resultcoments p0short wrongly identified short p1noisy p2 p383noisy p384noisy p692pinholenot identified by HPK p765noisy p766noisy p767short wrongly identified short n0noisy n511noisy
Pinhole L5.001 ce, p-side strip 692 C. Irmler (HEPHY Vienna)10 Sept
L5.001 ce, Wrongly Identified Short 31C. Irmler (HEPHY Vienna)10 Sept. 2015
L5.001 Source Scan 32C. Irmler (HEPHY Vienna)10 Sept Ladder mounted onto movable stage Readout with FADC system –All sensors at once Stage controlled by software, which is connected to TuxDAQ via TCP socket Fully automated system Used the first time in this configuration Source test completed on Mon, 7 th Sept., 11:30 pm Step size of stage to be tuned.
L5.001 Source Scan n-side of -z & ce C. Irmler (HEPHY Vienna)10 Sept Hit Map Noise Good source response for all strips, except noisy channels disabled (red lines) by TuxOA Uniformity of hit map due to not optimized step width of source movement -z ce -z ce
L5.001 Source Scan p-side of -z & ce C. Irmler (HEPHY Vienna)10 Sept Hit Map Noise Good source response for all strips, except noisy channels disabled (red lines) by TuxOA Uniformity of hit map due to not optimized step width of source movement -zce -z ce
L5.001 Source Scan SNR -z & ce 35C. Irmler (HEPHY Vienna)10 Sept zce n-side p-side
Summary First L5 ladder (L5.001) with new batch0 Origami hybrids completed Very good quality of Origami hybrids No wire bonding issues on PA0 Electrical tests performed on Origami sub-assembly (OS5.001) and final ladder –Very good results from source tests –So far no indication of remaining issues of PA0 and Origami designs Final decision about new PA0 design after thermal cycling C. Irmler (HEPHY Vienna)10 Sept
Thank You! 10 Sept. 2015C. Irmler (HEPHY Vienna) Oh, here is the ladder. 37
Backup C. Irmler (HEPHY Vienna)10 Sept
OS5.001 Source Scan Hit Maps p-side C. Irmler (HEPHY Vienna)10 Sept On the assembly bench, only the central part of p-side could be tested! Details on Belle Twiki: Hit Map Noise -z ce -z ce
L5.001 Source Scan n-side of fw & bw C. Irmler (HEPHY Vienna)10 Sept Hit Map Noise Uniformity of hit map, in particular of the fw sensor, was caused by not optimized step width of source movement fw bw fw bw
L5.001 Source Scan p-side of fw & bw C. Irmler (HEPHY Vienna)10 Sept Hit Map Noise fwbw fw bw Uniformity of hit map due to not optimize step width of source movement
L5.001 Source Scan SNR fw & bw 42C. Irmler (HEPHY Vienna)10 Sept fwbw n-side p-side
Coordinate System for Ladder Survey 43C. Irmler (HEPHY Vienna)10 Sept. 2015