You Are The Star Demonstrate “Get up and Go”
You Are The Star Speak to any other colleague as you should if they are an older patient with hearing impairment
You Are The Star Mime the use of an adaptive device for something other than ambulation
You Are The Star Test a colleague’s shoulder range of motion as you should to assess functional utility in an older patient
You Are The Star Act like you have dementia
You Are The Star Act like you have depression
You Are The Star Act like you have delirium
You Are The Star Mime each ADL
You Are The Star Mime each IADL
You Are The Star Your left knee hurts so you have a cane to help you Mime how you should use the cane
You Are The Star Lay down and simulate you having a common sleep disorder
You Are The Star Demonstrate something that requires 4 METS of effort
ALL PLAY Create a list of all Basics In Geriatrics “BIG” 10 principles
ALL PLAY List ALL the components of the Confusion Assessment Method
ALL PLAY List ALL questions in the Mini-Mental State Exam
ALL PLAY List 10 potentially inappropriate medications for older patients
ALL PLAY Design an optimal discharge information form
ALL PLAY An 83 year old female is being discharged from your hospital service after a 4 day stay for CHF exacerbation She lives alone She has Medicare She is hemodynamically fine and can transfer from bed to chair She should be discharged to_______________
ALL PLAY Round Robin: – Name a commonly overlooked/under treated geriatric syndrome – The last person to name one gets 5 tokens
ALL PLAY List all 15 questions of the Geriatric Depression Scale
ALL PLAY List 7 possible discharge sites following an acute hospitalization
ALL PLAY Each ask one question you would like to have answered by the end of this rotation It must be related to Geriatrics
ALL PLAY Identify 5 hazards of hospitalization for older patients
ALL PLAY List the current USPSTF recommendations for screening for colon and breast cancer
ALL PLAY Round Robin: – Simulate a gait disorder – Last one to do so gets 5 tokens
You Artist You A women complains of urinary urgency with large amount of incontinence Draw her expected post-void bladder size
You Artist You A women complains of urinary problems She leaks small amounts when she coughs, laughs or sneezes Draw her expected post-void bladder size
You Artist You A 74 year old male has new onset of memory loss ROS: Some episodic incontinence Exam shows a “magnetic” gait Draw what his Head CT scan would look like
You Artist You A women complains of urinary frequency When she urinates she feels like she needs to go again soon afterwards She leaks small amounts of urine Draw her post-void bladder size
You Artist You You gave a man diphenhydramine last evening to help him sleep He complains he can’t urinate now Draw his post-void bladder size
You Artist You SCULPT an image of the ambulatory assist device that would be most appropriate for you to give to a patient with Parkinson’s disease
You Artist You SCULPT an image of a Stage I Pressure Ulcer
You Artist You SCULPT an image of a Stage II Pressure Ulcer
You Artist You SCULPT an image of a Stage III Pressure Ulcer
You Artist You SCULPT an image of a Stage IV Pressure Ulcer
You Artist You SCULPT an image of an unstageable Pressure Ulcer
You Artist You SCULPT a typical looking heart for a 75 year old male with hypertension
You Artist You Sketch plans for a Senior Friendly Bedroom
Crazy Skills Administer a Mini-Cog to one of your colleagues
Crazy Skills Here is 30mg oral morphine How many dots represent the therapeutic equivalent amount of oral oxycodone?
Crazy Skills Calculate your BMI
Crazy Skills There are 100 older people with MCI. How many do you expect to convert to dementia in the next years?
Crazy Skills Calculate the expected PaO2 for an average: 20 year old 90 year old
Crazy Skills Estimate the Creatinine clearance of an 80 year old white female with a Creatinine of 1.0 x 0.85 for women
Crazy Skills An 80 year old man wants to exercise to 80% of his Maximum Heart Rate. About how much is that?
Crazy Skills Define “Homeostenosis” and give an example of it
Crazy Skills Describe one achievable intervention that would improve the care your patients receive in your primary care clinic
Crazy Skills Ms A is a 80-year-old white woman with diabetes, moderate dementia, functional dependency in most activities of daily living She lives with her daughter Point to her estimated Life Expectancy YEARS
Crazy Skills Describe 4 adverse effects of bisphosphonate use
Crazy Skills Ms B is an 80-year-old white woman who is widowed, living with her sister No comorbid conditions, walks 3 miles a day, and cooks and cleans for her older sister Point to her estimated Life Expectancy YEARS