The Planets of Our Solar System
Distance from the Sun: 35,983,610 Miles Rotation (day): 59 Days on Earth Revolution (year): 88 Days on Earth Time to get to Mercury from Earth: Jet = 10 Years 10 Months Rocket = 3 Months Light Speed = 5 Minutes
Distance from the Sun: 67,232,360 Miles Rotation (day): 244 Days on Earth Revolution (year): 225 Days on Earth Time to get to Venus from Earth: Jet = 5 Years 5 Months Rocket = 1.5 Months Light Speed = 2.5 Minutes
Earth Distance from the Sun: 92,957,100 Miles Rotation (day): 24 Hours on Earth Revolution (year): Days on Earth Time to get to Earth from Earth: You’re already here. Wow that was fast!
Distance from the Sun: 141,635,300 Miles Rotation (day): 24.5 hours on Earth Revolution (year): 687 Days on Earth Time to get to Mars from Earth: Jet = 8 Years 10 Months Rocket = 2.5 Months Light Speed = 4 Minutes
Distance from the Sun: 483,632,000 Miles Rotation (day): Almost 10 hours on Earth Revolution (year): Almost 12 Years on Earth Time to get to Jupiter from Earth: Jet = 74 Years 3 Months Rocket = 1 Year 9 Months Light Speed = 35 Minutes
Distance from the Sun: 888,188,000 Miles Rotation (day): 10 hours 39 Minutes on Earth Revolution (year): 29.5 Years on Earth Time to get to Saturn from Earth: Jet = 150 Years 10 Months Rocket = 3 Years 7 Months Light Speed = 1 Hour 11 Minutes
Distance from Sun: 1,783,950,000 Miles Rotation (day): 23 Hours on Earth Revolution (year): 84 Years on Earth Time to get to Uranus from Earth: Jet = 318 Years 6 Months Rocket = 7 Years 7 Months Light Speed = 2 Hours 30 Minutes
Distance from Sun: 2,798,842,000 Miles Rotation (day): 15 Hours 48 Minutes on Earth Revolution (year): 165 Years on Earth Time to get to Neptune from Earth: Jet = 504 Years 4 Months Rocket = 11 Years 6 Months Light Speed = 4 Hours 20 Minutes
Distance from Sun: 3,674,491,000 Miles Rotation (day): 6 Days 7 Hours on Earth Revolution (year): 248 Years on Earth Time to get to Pluto from Earth: Jet = 690 Years 1 Month Rocket = 16 Years 5 Months Light Speed = 5 Hours 25 Minutes