What are the similarities and differences between Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune? By : Brianna F. Rodriguez and Jabi Baraquiel Grade 6 – Neil Armstrong
Outline BRIANNA What is a Jupiter? What is a Neptune? Similarities JABI What is a Uranus? Differences References Video of our topic
What is a Jupiter? Fifth planet from the sun Largest planet in the Solar System First-Largest planetary radius Radius: 69,911 km Mass: 1.898E27 kg (317.8 Earth mass) Surface area: 61,418,738,571 km² Gravity: m/s² Orbits: Sun,
What is a Uranus? Seventh planet from the Sun Fourth-largest planetary mass Third-largest planetary radius Lightest of the outer planets Radius: 25,362 km Surface area: 8,083,079,690 km² Mass: 86.81E24 kg (14.54 Earth mass) Orbits: Sun Discoverer: William Herschel
What is a Neptune? Eighth planet Farthest planet from the Sun Slightly smaller than Uranus Radius: 24,622 km Mass: 102.4E24 kg (17.15 Earth mass) Surface area: 7,618,272,763 km² Discovered: September 23, 1846 Discoverers: Johann Gottfried Galle, Heinrich Louis d'Arrest, Urbain Le Verrier, John Couch Adams
Similarities Rotate fast Have atmospheres of hydrogen and helium Strong magnetic fields All has rings Lots of moons All big-sized
Differences Jupiter: 88,846 miles Uranus: 31,763 miles Neptune: 30,760 miles Jupiter: 63 moons Uranus: 27 moons Neptune: 13 moons
Add up!!! Jupiter Uranus Neptune Part of the JOVIAN PLANETS (I did not include Saturn because it is not part of our topic.)
References: - space-facts.comspace-facts.com - msnlv.commsnlv.com HXvwohttps://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid= AA HXvwo
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