► I think that in order to understand the cultural issues (stereotypes) between France and Algeria it would be very helpful to look at what is called La generation Beur ► What is it and why is it helpful?
Les Beurs en France The Beurs are children of North African immigrants (primarily Algerian but also Tunisian and Moroccan) who were born in France or who have spent most of their life in France La generation Beur, a generation of young men and women with their own specific cultural identity at once different from that of their North African parents and from that of their peers of European descent. The term Beur expresses a bi-cultural identity experienced as either plenitude - both Arab and French and belonging to both cultures - or as alienation neither French nor Arab and belonging fully to neither culture. The term Beur itself does, in fact, mean Arabe and is an example of a form of slang known as le verlan. Le verlan is based on inversion of the letters of a word or of its syllables.
For many the term Beur has clear class connotations. For the writer Tahar Ben Jelloun, originally from Morocco but now settled in France, the term Beur designates a particular class of socially excluded and second- generation Maghrebian occupying the troubled banlieues chaudes: The term beurgeoisie has been coined to describe higher profile and more economically sucessful Beurs who do not fit into the category - or some might say the stereotype - of the unemployed banlieusard. Stereotypes
Beur writing identity formation and identity politics: about what it means to French and not French, Arab and not Arab. What it means, in short, to be Beur. cultural confusion: of the experience of feeling split between two worlds, two classes, two nations and two languages and of a search for some form of stable cultural identity. In some Beur novels this experience of is experienced as traumatic and disabling The experience of racism in France - a scene common to many Beur novels is of being refused admission to a nightclub Beur Culture Beur culture began to emerge in France. Beur writing - in particular autobiography and autobiographical fiction - became a literary phenomena with the French publishing industry and literary reviews and television programmes all eager to give space to these new voices from France's most visible ethnic minority.
Algeria - France: Love/Hate, but Business is Business
Troubled French-Algerian relationship both politically and historically Several million citizens and residents of France: “les beurs”-descendants of Algerian economic migrants “pieds noirs”-repatriated European settlers during the Algerian War “France is always useful in Algeria as a scapegoat, and whenever the internal situation deteriorates, it has been a time-honoured Algerian tradition to blame France. France remains important to Algeria, in terms of trade, emigration, remittances, and (though they are loath to admit it) culture.”
Improving bilateral Relations Sarkozy – included in his cabinet- "beurettes" Rachida Dati and Fadela AmaraFadela Amara Travels with a delegation which includes popular figures from the large French North African community. Tried to include into his circle quite a diverse collection of second and third generation beurs, In the French banlieues - as well as in Algeria - considerable skepticism remains. The article suggest that inclusion of people of Algerian descent in his government can be beneficial to improving relations between France and Algeria.
-Algerian President Abdelaziz Bouteflika (L) greets French President Nicolas Sarkozy (C) and French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner in Algiers, Algeria, 04 December France and Algeria signed billions of dollars of oil and gas deals and a nuclear accord, on day two of a state visit by President Nicolas Sarkozy that sought to heal wounds from the colonial past.