Yes it has been explored by a telescope that was invented by William Herschel. Two voyagers were found. The space craft also found a Uranian magnetic field that is both large and unusual.
It has 13 rings. Water ice has been found on the surface. The size is 15,759 miles and it has a thin atmosphere. Uranus has no mountains or volcanoes.
The average temperature on Uranus is degrees Fahrenheit (-216 degrees Celsius)
Yes, it is made up of hydrogen and helium.
It has 27 moons. All of the moons are named after a Alexander pope and William Shakespeare.
It is named after Roman Gods with one exception. Uranus was named after a Greek God in the sky. Father of Saturn and grandfather of Jupiter.
19 astronomical units.
84 years long.
17 hours and 14 minutes.
The diameter is 51,118 km. The mass is 86 septillion kg. The density is 1.27 grams per cubic cm.
Uranus is the coldest planet in the solar system. Uranus orbits the sun on its side. Uranus has only been visited one time. The discovery date of Uranus was March 13 th, You probably already know this, but Breanna is the chillest person in the world.