 Differentiate between potential and kinetic energy  PA Anchor: S8.C.2.1.


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Presentation transcript:

 Differentiate between potential and kinetic energy  PA Anchor: S8.C.2.1

 What does it mean when you say “I have no energy?”

 The ability to do work or cause change  What kinds of things can do work?  Units: Joule (J)

(1) Kinetic Energy  Energy an object has while it’s moving  From Greek: “kinetos” = “moving” (2)Potential Energy  Energy an object has while it’s not moving Elastic Gravitational

 Depends on:  Mass  Velocity / Speed

 Depends on:  Mass  Gravity = 10 m/s 2  Height PE = mgh

 Identify different forms of energy  PA Anchor: S8.C.2.1

 Mechanical  Thermal  Chemical  Electrical  Electromagnetic  Nuclear

 Analyze how energy can be converted from one form to another  PA Anchor: S8.C.2.1

 Most forms of energy can be converted  Toaster Electrical  thermal + mechanical  Body Chemical  mechanical  Car engine Electrical  thermal  chemical

 Apply the Law of Conservation of Energy  PA Anchor: S8.C.2.1

 The law of conservation of energy states:  Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only change forms

 Identify examples of heat transfer as radiation, convection, and conduction  Differentiate between radiation, convection, and conduction  PA Anchor: S8.C.2.1

 Conduction  Convection  Radiation

 Heat is transferred without the movement of matter  Ex: You touch a hot pot with your hand

 Transfer of heat within a substance  Ex: Boiling water

 Transfer of energy by Electromagnetic (EM) waves  Ex: Bonfire

 Identify conductors and insulators  PA Anchor: S8.C.2.1

 Conductors  Transmit energy well  Examples: Metal Tile Floor Water  Insulators  Don’t transmit energy well  Examples: Wood Paper Air

 Discuss energy conservation techniques  PA Anchor: S8.C.2.1

 Insulation  Made of fiberglass  Seal around windows and doors  Prevent air flow  convection currents

 Differentiate between renewable and nonrenewable resources  PA Anchor: S8.C.2.1

 Renewable  A resource that can be replaced in nature at a rate close to the rate at which it is being used  Ex: Wind, tidal, geothermal  Nonrenewable  A resource that exists in a fixed amount  Ex: Coal, oil, natural gas

 Discuss advantages to using alternative sources of energy  Describe the impact of using nonrenewable resources on the environment  PA Anchor: S8.C.2.1

 Advantages:  Won’t run out if used correctly  Less environmental impact  Disadvantages:  May be available only in limited locations  May be more expensive to use

 Advantages:  “Ample” supply  More cost efficient than alternative sources  Disadvantages:  Huge environmental impact (mining)  Huge environmental impact (pollution)  Will eventually run out

 Explain the sun’s impact as a source of energy  PA Anchor: S8.C.2.1

 All energy can be traced back to the sun…  One example: Coal / Fossil Fuels These are made by the remains of dead plants / animals. Plants get their energy from the sun (photosynthesis) Animals get their energy from plants which get their energy from the sun