The Solar System By Kangmin chio ( 도덕 초등학교 )
overview Introduction Creation Mercury Venus Earth Mars Asteroid Belt Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Conclusion
Introduction The solar system is made up of all the planets that orbit our sun.
Creation Evolved from a big cloud of dust and gas. The star eventually became our sun
Planet 8 planets and 2 categories Inner space Divided by the asteroid belt Outer space
Mercury C losest to the sun 4880km in diameter and has no moons Temperature ( 430 °Celsius Maximum, -170 Celsius Minimum) No atmosphere
Venus Similar size, mass, density with Earth Covered by a thick atmosphere and very hot
Earth Has living things on it Green planet Neil Armstrong walked on its moon
Mars The fourth planet form the sun A small rocky body and is earthlike.
Asteroid belt Small rocky bodies Orbit the sun Exists in a belt between Mars and Jupiter.
Jupiter Biggest planet and gaseous planet 143,984km diameter (magnetosphere) Has rings and moons
Saturn Discovered by Galileo Cali lei (astronomer) Surrounded by thin, flat ring
Uranus The 7 Th planet Take 84 years to make a full orbit Temperature is 216 degrees Celsius
Neptune The 8 th planet Discovered by Johann Galle in 1846 Gas giants Has similar features with Saturn and Uranus
You can remember the order of the eight (8) planets using the mnemonic sentence below: "My Very Excellent Mother Just Served Us Nachos." (Mercury - Venus - Earth - Mars - Jupiter - Saturn - Uranus - Neptune)