Reflections from the 1 st Year
Presented by… O Kim Rombola- Kindergarten O Emily Koenig- Grade 2 O Lauren Tumolo- Building Director
O Anticipation = I am going to make a difference! O Survival = I can barely keep up! O Disillusionment = Have I made a huge mistake? O Rejuvenation = I CAN do this. O Reflection = I am MEANT to do this, and next year I will be even better. O Anticipation = I have learned a lot, and can’t wait to make some changes.
Friendly Advice When the going gets tough, remember to: O Stay flexible. O Stay positive, or fake it. O Ask questions. O Find a mentor. O Take a break. O Reflect. Find a creative solution.
Pieces of the Puzzle O Preparation O Rules & Routines O Classroom Management O Behavior Management O Instructional Delivery O Organization/Transitions
Establish Routines & Procedures (Plan within the guidelines set by your building principal) O Arrival= Enter room, unpack, take attendance, morning work, finished work. O Travel= Go to Bathroom, Lunch, Recess, Fire Drill, other Emergencies. O Transitioning= Between Lessons, Attention Grabbers, etc. O Dismissal= Packing Up, Dismissal Order, Activity. O Other= Sharpen Pencils, Use Supplies, Traffic Patterns, Distributing & Collecting Finished Work, Jobs, Visitors, Phone Calls, etc. * Review and Rehearse- Daily, Weekly, Monthly, after every Holiday Break!
Share your bright ideas!
Kim Rombola- Kindergarten What strategies does the teacher use to teach and reinforce appropriate behavior, routines, and independence?
Positive Behavior Support (Classroom Management) O Review Rules and Expectations daily. O Set goals and motivate. O Have a system for helping students monitor their own behavior. O Enforce consequences calmly and consistently. O Pick your battles- There is a fine line between nipping things in the bud and nit picking. O Love, counsel, coach, hold accountable. O Yelling does not earn respect.
Get To Know Your Students
Behavior Management (Supplemental to Classroom Management) O How can you get the most out of them every day? O What are their academic strengths and weaknesses? O What are their social and emotional needs? O What will motivate them to be their best self?
Share your bright ideas!
Emily Koenig- Grade 2 How does this teacher organize the Learning Environment to reinforce rules, procedures, independence and expectations?
Instructional Delivery O Identify the objective for what students should know and do. O Identify the best format- centers, modeling/whole class, independent, hands- on, materials O Attention Getting Intro O I Do- You Do- We Do O Strategies for Student Engagement O Assess Understanding in various ways
Transitions Anticipate where you might lose time, attention, and control. Prevent these disruptions by how you organize the room, give directions, rehearse and reinforce procedures and keep expectations high. O How do you get their attention? O How do you distribute and collect materials to maintain the flow of your lesson? O How do students ask for things (bathroom, tissue, etc.) without interrupting you? O How do you prompt a disruptive student without disrupting your lesson?
Watch how this teacher directs students for smooth transitions…
What are some strategies you use to: - keep students organized - distribute and collect materials - move your class from one place to another - correct students subtly - get students’ attention Share your bright ideas!
Let’s get started!