!GUESS THAT PVD! CHOICES: Raynoud’s disease DVT Diabetic foot ulcer Rubor Arterial Ulcer Venous ulcer
What is this color change called? Dependent rubor CLUE: Occurs in peripheral arterial disease when extremity is lowered
What is wrong with this left leg? Deep Vein Thrombosis CLUES: Classic Signs & Symptoms: Calf or groin tenderness/pain Sudden onset unilateral swelling Induration & redness may be present
Oh- oh, this doesn’t look so good! What do you think this ulcer is from? Venous Ulcer Clues: Chronic nonhealing ulcer Occurs in ankle area Brown Pigmentation or ankle discoloration Ulcer bed pink Usually superficial with uneven edges Granulation tissue present
What is up with these fingers? Raynaud’s Disease CLUES: Vasospasm of arterioles Causes constriction & blanching Extremities numb, cold with painful swelling Aggrevated by cold or stress Gangrene of digits can occur May also have a systemic connective disease Treatment Vasodilating drugs –nifedipine Severe symptoms Sympathectomy- severs nerve fibers that cause vasoconstriction ↓ caffeine intake Smoking cessation Warm clothes in cold weather
Patient did not know this happened So what is it? Diabetic Foot Ulcer Clues: Peripheral neuropathy Pressure points on feet Little granulation tissue Pale with even edges Pulses usually present Painless Cool or warm foot
Patient was a smoker: What type of ulcer would this be? Arterial ulcer Clues: Claudication after walking 1-2 blocks Pain at ulcer site Rest pain Deep- at end of toes or in-between toes Cool or cold foot Possible gangrene