1 How to Manage the STL Game: A Checklist for Trainers
2 Topic I. Objectives II. Procedure III. Deliverables IV. Follow up
3 I. Objectives The game is a way to reinforce what has been learned Participants use active learning 3 STL stories now, but more will be added
4 II. Procedure PREPARATION –Before the beginning of the STL course –First day –Second day GAME EXERCISE –Third day –Fourth day ANALYSIS OF THE RESULTS –Forth day
5 II. Procedure Preparation Before the beginning of the course Make a choice of an adequate story, in relation with your target audience and their sectors of work Deliver the basic text of the hypothetical story (without annexes) in advance - ideally with the program of the course Request, in the invitation letter, that the participants read the STL Guide and the story Introduce the story (objectives, procedure and deliverables of the game) to the speakers as well, as they can be the coaches Suggest to the speakers that the information delivered during the presentations correspond to the objectives and deliverables of the game Review the coaching sheet with the coaches.
6 II. Procedure Preparation FIRST DAY Inform participants about the procedure of the course Underline that the third day they will have practical exercise, based on the hypothetical story Make sure that they have the text of the STL Guide and the story Request that they read it carefully before the game
7 II. Procedure Preparation SECOND DAY – at the end Inform participants about the objectives, procedure and deliverables of the game Explain the concept and timing of the game Organize the game in a manner that they have approximately equal time for preparation and negotiation Select the members of a groups and teams (each group has 2 teams – licensor and licensee) and announce to the participants in which team they are Each team should have no more than 6-7 members, providing that they have different skills ( scientific, managerial, economic, legal..)
8 II. Procedure Preparation SECOND DAY Provide that each team have separate space for preparation and consultation Plan adequate space for negotiations –at least a table for each group ( 1licensor and 1 licensee team) Distribute relevant Annexes (A II and III to licensor teams, and I and III to licensee team) Assure that participants read the story and Annexes before the beginning of the game
9 II. Procedure Game Exercise is on third day Procedure should be guided by the coaches Coaches should provide that: Members of the teams introduce themselves Pick up their roles in the teams Roles Main negotiator Lawyer Scientist /Technical consultant Financial expert/ accountant Reporter Stick to these roles during the whole negotiation Timing is respected – adequate time for preparation and negotiation
10 II. Procedure Game Exercise --third day (continued) Preparation for negotiation Coaches : Assure that participants do not lose time on less important details Insist on the roles Keep negotiation spirit of the game realistic Remind participants to define term sheet and use it as a base for negotiation Respect timing – at the end of a third day they should be ready for negotiation Deliver surprise information for both parties ( Annex IV for licensee and Annex V for licensor)
11 II. Procedure Game Exercise – Fourth day Negotiation Groups – licensor and licensee team, should meet around negotiation table Suggest that main negotiators introduce members of their teams and roles at the beginning of the negotiation Start negotiations as soon as possible Guide participants – but do not impose your views
12 II. Procedure Game Exercise – Fourth day Negotiation In the case of difficult situation – suggest pause Make sure they –Define objectives –Leverage –Clusters (start with cluster 1!) Remind participants to use and complete their term sheets Finish negotiations at the end of a forth day, leaving time for discussion on the results
13 II. Procedure Analyze of the Negotiation Results – Fourth day Reporters of main negotiators of the teams should present the results of the negotiation Use term sheet Ask for their comments on lessons they learned Provide that coaches make critical review of the negotiation – strong points and mistakes Finish with an award ceremony
14 III. Deliverables Practical application of knowledge Personal experience Understand importance of preparation and teamwork More precise view how it works in practice Develop confidence – I CAN DO IT
15 IV FOLLOW UP Evaluate the content and procedure with the participants Demand their views on the follow up Support development of licensing society and network among participants