Graduation Coaches and the College Application Process Mr. Jamal Carr & Ms. Tara Delgado
Who we are… Our vision -Help schools remove the barriers that put students at risk of wasting their potential. Our mission -To surround students with a community of support empowering them to stay in school and achieve in life. We Are Communities In Schools Of Wake County
Demystifying College for First Generation Applicants -Make students believe and understand that College IS an option. -There are different types of secondary education -Technical schools offer College ready programs. -Awareness on rapidly changing global economy and market patterns -21st Century thinking skills -In Hispanic populations language becomes a barrier -Focus is on acquiring language -Belief is College is not an option. -Lack of confidence -Finances -Scary process of application -Parents do not have the skills to help in the process
In Middle School… -Take Students on College Visits -Make it real for them -Have them experience the life of a college student. -Show them career options -Not everyone needs to go to a four year University. -There are great technical careers as well that pay well and are in high demand. -Engage parents -Make it an option and priority for the parents. -Provide resources (in their main language when available, if necessary).
In High School In 9th Grade -Responsibility -Focus, Go to class -Begin to Volunteer -Not everything is academics in the application process. -Make time for your academic advisor. -Start saving up money for college In 10th grade -Review High School Course Plan -Take the PSATs and other practice and entrance exams -Begin researching career interests and post secondary options
In High School 11th and 12th Grade -Research Scholarship and Grant opportunities -Begin applying -Take the SAT and ACT exams -At least once by fall of Senior year -Apply for FAFSA -Use every resource available to help in this process -Meet regularly with your graduation coach and school counselor -Ensure your High School course plan is accurate -Prior to end of Junior year.
Career and Financial Planning Opportunities ●Work-based learning ○Project Based Activities ●Apprenticeships ●Internships ○SAS ●Job Shadowing ○AT&T Jr. Achievement Job Shadowing Program ●Short-Term Work Experiences ○Summer Camps ○Tutoring ●Cooperative Education
How do we tear down the barriers for ELLs? -Make the financial assistance application process a guided one. -Empower the students to work on their own and explain the process and requirements to their parents, if necessary. -Provide resources in their native language. -Apply even if you do not think you qualify. -Offer students other options for financial assistance -Work and Study -Grants -Scholarships -Explain the importance of showing interest and being responsible -Check and respond to s. -Go to college fairs. -Visit campuses. TALK IT OUT!
Secrets for College Admission 1.Test scores are not the only hook. a.High test scores are never a guarantee 2.There are other hooks a.Athletes b.Minority c.“Development” case (sponsorship) 3.Parents and Socioeconomics matter a.Institutions now report “first generation” college students (it has become a good thing) b.Lower socio-economics are not as important 4.Private High Schools are not necessarily better than new ones. 5.Explore your high school’s college acceptance history
Secrets for College Admission 6. Establish connections and make contacts. 7. Be aware that there will be a file with your name wherever you apply 8. Do NOT buy into college marketing techniques 9. Early decisions increase your odds! 10. Bend the rules and be creative in your application. Be impressive! Credit: Dr. Michelle Hernandez Huffpost College (2012)
Knightdale High School Graduation Day 2015