Project-based team learning TURKU 2013
Who are we? Team NOVIabo, Turku: Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Business Administration (6 teams) Tourism (3 teams) Humanities (3 teams) 12 teams TURKU 2013
Novia’s pedagogical strategy Learning based on experiences Student-centred methodology Constructivism We aim at indepth learning A permanent change in the way of thinking. TURKU 2013
The four wheel drive of learning Literature Learning contract Learning contract Projects Training sessions Training sessions The four core processes of the learning process ”Rear drive” Dialogue, learning together “Front drive” Theory, planning, tension TURKU 2013
A different, activating way of studying Teams and the foundation of enterprises or associations Coaches and development discussions Choice of courses → Professional Identity Literature studies (reflection papers, study circles) Training sessions and dialogue Projects and work-shops from real life TURKU 2013
Structure and support Selfgoverned, responsible and communicative students Responsibility and liberty Coach-co-operation, coachmeetings TeamNOVIabo: common vision, mission, Branding Day, customer week… TURKU 2013
From the perspective of a coach To observe To listen To ask questions To challenge To conclude Theoretical models – when needed To encourage towards goal description and evaluation TURKU 2013
From the perspective of students TURKU 2013
Internationalization TURKU 2013
Case: sustainable development course, 3 ECTS Project work Extent of the course: 2 ECTS, 54 hours of individual student input Aims of the project To identify absence or shortcomings and needs in the activities of an organization/company To develop some of the organization’s/company’s activities in a more sustainable direction The students learn how to consider aspects of sustainable development in their own working environment A reflection paper on the literature read and the knowledge acquired from the interactive lectures and the presentations of the project work Extent of the course: 0,5 ECTS, 14 hours of individual student input Aims of the Reflection Paper Make the student reflect on his/her own understanding of the concept sustainable development based on the knowledge acquired from the lectures, literature and final presentations of the project work The student makes connections from the literature to his/her own experiences (both personal and professional) The student is able to see how theory from the literature could be put into practice There should be reflections on all four aspects of sustainable development (ecological, economic, social and cultural) Interactive lectures and final presentations of the project work Extent of studies: 0,5 ECTS, 14 hours of individual student input TURKU 2013
”Life is not about finding yourself, Life is about creating yourself.” George Bernard Shaw TURKU 2013
Thank you! for listening… Questions? TURKU 2013