Christianity Beginnings & Spread during the Pax Romana
Religion in Roman Empire Polytheistic Incorporated gods of many cultures People show loyalty by honoring Roman gods and the emperor
Jews in the Empire Excused from worshipping Roman gods Waiting for Messiah (Savior) Divisions within Judaism Absorbed Greek customs Wanted return to tradition Wanted revolt against Rome
Founder Jesus Christ 4 B.C A.D. (approximate) Born in BethlehemBethlehem At about 30 years old Jesus started preaching Jesus had many followers, but twelve men followed him as Disciples
Life & Teaching Believed in one God Claimed he was the Son of God, and the only way to achieve salvation was through him He would bring spiritual salvation and eternal life to all who believed. Preached forgiveness, love, and that the poor would be rewarded in heaven
Life & Teaching Cont. This was a new message to Jews of the time Salvation available to anyone who believes, even prostitutes, tax-collectors and outcasts of society Preached forgiveness of sins, instead of the strict adherence to following customs and laws
The Death of Jesus Jewish leaders felt challenged by Jesus' message Romans were afraid he could lead rebellion Jewish leaders had him arrested and crucified Followers said he rose and ascended to heaven
The Death of Jesus
Sacred Text Jesus’ teachings were based on the Jewish faith, which became the Old Testament of the Bible After Jesus’ death his apostles and disciples wrote down the accounts of his life and his teachings, which would become the New Testament
Spread of ChristianityChristianity Started by Jesus’ disciples Paul was a large contributor Paul’s ministry: preaching to non- Jews Sets up churches Writes letters to churches It took a long time to spread throughout the Roman Empire because it was seen by many as a threat to the empire.
Persecution of Christians Christians were persecuted because they refused to worship Roman gods and emperors Thousands of Christians became martyrs Despite persecutions, Christians practiced secretly and Christianity continued to spread.
Why did it continue to spread? Appealed to all people, was accepting of anyone Gentiles (non-Jews) Outcasts of Society Women Incorporated ideas from Greek philosophy
Early Church Organized w/ bishops leading each area Councils decided official Christian teachings Edict of Milan – issued by Constantine A.D. 313 (freedom of worship)
Triumph The persecution of Christians ends (for a time) in roughly 313 A.D. Constantine issues Edict of Milan Christianity will grow throughout empire, while the Roman Empire gets weaker