Mr. Snell
Religion was important in Roman society. Worship of Roman gods was impersonal Emotionless Empire grows, as do religions. New religion, Christianity. Emphasized a more personal relationship with God.
Judea was home to the Jews in 63 B.C.E. Rome took control in 6 C.E. Jews remained faithful, clinging to scripture about the return of the Messiah and their kingdom.
Born in Bethlehem Raised in Nazareth Baptized by John the Baptist Learned the trade of carpentry.
Took up public ministry. Preach, teach, & reportedly performed miracles for 3 years. Monotheistic teaching – belief in one god Taught the 10 Commandments Taught that God would end wickedness in the world and would establish a kingdom after death for people who sincerely repent of their sins.
Few mentions of Jesus in historical records. Jesus appears most in the Gospels. As do his teachings. Gospels – first 4 books of the New Testament. Authors - 12 disciples (apostles). Jesus ignored wealth and status so he appealed to the poor.
Around 29 C.E. Jesus was greeted as the king, or messiah, by Roman crowds when visiting Jerusalem. Chief Jewish Priests denied he was the Messiah. Said he was a blasphemer. Pontius Pilate, a Roman governor, sentenced Jesus to death. Crucifixion – The act of being nailed to a large wooden cross and left to die, often by suffocation. Jesus’ body placed in tomb. Resurrected 3 days later.
Followers of Jesus spread his ideas. Jesus’ teachings did not contradict Jewish law. First followers were Jews. Christianity slowly spread throughout the Roman Empire.
Had an enormous impact on the development of Christianity. Saul was an enemy of Christianity who had never met Jesus. He was converted on his way to Damascus. Saul took the name Paul. Spent the rest of his life spreading and interpreting the message of Christianity. Paul wrote most of the New Testament Christianity should welcome all converts, Jews & Gentiles alike. More than a local religion.
66 C.E. – Band of Jews rebel against Rome. 70 C.E. – Romans destroy temple complex in Jerusalem. 500,000 Jews killed in the rebellion. 132 C.E. – Jews rebel against Rome, again. Another 500,000 Jews are killed over 3 years of fighting. Most Jews were driven from their homeland into exile. Diaspora - This dispersal of the Jews from their homeland.
Christians refused to worship Roman gods. Interpreted as refusing to obey Roman rule. Christian scapegoats for other problems – political & economic. End of Pax Romana Romans exiled, imprisoned, or executed Christians. Thousands crucified, burned, or forced to fight animals in the arena. Martyrs - People willing to sacrifice their lives for the sake of a belief or a cause.
Christianity grew because… Embraced all people—men and women, enslaved persons, the poor, and nobles; Gave hope to the powerless; Appealed to those who were repelled by the extravagances of imperial Rome; Offered a personal relationship with a loving God; Promised eternal life after death.
312 C.E. – Battle of Milvian Bridge – Prayer for divine help. Reportedly saw an image of a cross. Put the image on the shields of his soldiers. 313 C.E. – Edict of Milan – Bans persecution of Christians and declares Christianity a religion approved by the emperor. 380 C.E. – Emperor Theodosius makes it the official religion of the Roman Empire.
Bishop – priest who supervised local churches Peter – the 1 st bishop Peter – “the rock” that the church would be founded upon. Pope – father or head of the Christian church. 325 C.E. – Nicene Creed – Defined basic beliefs of the church!