Benchmarking for Improved Water Utility Performance
Benchmarking Water Services
Contributing Partners UNESCO-IHE USP of Brazil CEPT University of India NWSC of Uganda Vewin/CDC of the Netherlands
Topic 5: Institutionalisation of Benchmarking (2) Benchmarking by Regulators
Voluntary (by utilities) Mandatory (by regulator) Implementation national policies: depends on cooperation utilities prescription of related indicators can be enforced and incentivized Ѵ ѴѴѴѴ Participating utilities: volunteering utilities only all utilities Ѵ Ѵ Incentives for performance improvement: name and shame carrot and stick options Ѵ Ѵ
Benchmarking by Regulators Benchmarking by the Zambian Regulator - NWASCO Source: NWASCO 2009
Benchmarking by Regulators Source: NWASCO 2009 Benchmarking by the Zambian Regulator - NWASCO
Benchmarking by the Kenyan Regulator - RWASEB Performance indicators and benchmarks Source: WASREB 2011 Benchmarking by Regulators
Source: WASREB 2011 Benchmarking by Regulators Benchmarking by the Kenyan Regulator - RWASEB
Benchmarking by the UK Regulator - OFWAT ‘’at present we regulate a large monopoly industry using comparative competition. We use comparative competition to encourage each company to meet the standards of the best performers Source: Ofwat 2009a Benchmarking by Regulators
Benchmarking by the UK Regulator - OFWAT OPA Source: Ofwat 2009b Benchmarking by Regulators
Benchmarking by the UK Regulator - OFWAT Greenhouse Gas Emissions per unit volume of water treated Source: Ofwat 2009b Total emissions: 3.7 mln ton CO2e/yr Benchmarking by Regulators
Benchmarking by the UK Regulator - OFWAT Climate change agenda: mitigation measures approved by the regulator as part of the future watsan charges for Source: Ofwat 2009d i.e. – 15% Benchmarking by Regulators