Graduating over 800 students last year Over 197,000 hours of community service contributed by SEHS faculty, staff and students each year As an extension of academic programs, we provide community and university access to specialized services. School of Education and Human Services Dr. Mary Otto, Dean
Human Resource Development BS, MTD Reading and Language Arts MAT, PhD Teacher Development and Educational Studies BS, MEd School of Education and Human Services Commitment to Academics Department of Counseling MA, PhD Educational Leadership MEd, EdS, PhD Human Development and Child Studies Certification, MEd, PhD
Undergraduate and Graduate Headcount for Academic Year School of Education and Human Services Commitment to Academics
Expanding on a unique partnership, students can earn an Oakland University degree locally at the Macomb Intermediate School District office and Macomb Community College University Center. Programs currently offered in Macomb County: Ph.D. in Education Ed.S. in School Administration Master of Arts in: Teaching w/Elementary Certification (K-8) Teaching w/Secondary Certification (7-12) Counseling Teaching in Reading and Language Arts B.S. in Elementary Education (K-8) School of Education and Human Services Commitment to Academics in Macomb County
Combined enrollment totals for Macomb Intermediate School District and Macomb University Center School of Education and Human Services Commitment to Academics in Macomb County
The Reading Clinic The Reading and Language Arts Department has operated the Reading Clinic for over 40 years. Experienced teachers, who are completing their Master’s Degree, teach children enrolled in the Reading Clinic. School of Education and Human Services Commitment to Our Students and Our Community
Reading Recovery The goal of Reading Recovery is to reduce the number of children who have extreme difficulty learning to read and write Oakland University is one of only 21 universities in the U.S. to serve as a Reading Recovery University Training Center. SEHS provides graduate level training (10 credits) for certification and provides implementation support and professional development to 22 regional sites throughout Michigan. Since its establishment in 1992, the program has served over 73,200 Michigan first graders. School of Education and Human Services Commitment to Our Students and Our Community
The Counseling Center Provides no cost, confidential personal and career counseling services to the community and OU students. Services available for children, adolescents adults, families, and groups. Masters and PhD students from the Counseling Department, staff the center as part of their practicum experience. All of their work is supervised by a Licensed Professional Counselor. The center is open on weekdays and Saturdays for convenient appointment times. School of Education and Human Services Commitment to Our Students and Our Community
“I like hanging out with peers my own age.” “Going to the Rec. Center is cool and a lot of fun.” “The Professors have been helpful and willing to go the extra mile.” “I have enjoyed working with the kids at Lowry.” Post Secondary Transition Program An innovative program for college-aged students with cognitive impairments who live in Oakland County. A collaboration with Oakland Intermediate School District and Rochester Community Schools. School of Education and Human Services Commitment to Our Students and Our Community
Autism Programs at OU One of the 1 st Michigan universities to offer certification for teachers specializing in autism spectrum disorders. Collaborated with other universities in Michigan to offer this program online. Jack’s Place at OU established by a foundation gift Over 500 participants from 5 counties involved in recreational and educational programs Seminars and workshops offered for parents and professionals OU student volunteers support the programs for children School of Education and Human Services Commitment to Our Students and Our Community
Serving an average of 200 children per week. 27 spaces for Rochester Community Schools/ special needs children. 8 Michigan School Readiness Program (MSRP) spaces for low-income, at-risk four year olds. Practicum site for Early Childhood Education and Macomb County Community College Early Childhood Interns. School of Education and Human Services Commitment to Our Future Lowry Center for Early Childhood Education Provides high-quality educational experiences for young children in an environment that supports research and curriculum development for faculty, and field experiences for students.
School of Education and Human Services Commitment to Our Future Presented by Dr. Mary Otto, Dean Created by Greg M. Gallup Permission granted to use all photos October 21, 2005