The Ecclesiastical year versus God’s Moedim understanding God’s rhythm for living and its connection with Salvation History
In the next seven slide-sets we will look at each of the seven Moedim, and see how each refers to the ministry and completed work of Yeshua ha Massiasch – Jesus the Messiah For now, we remind ourselves that the seven Moedim can be summarised from a Messianic viewpoint as follows:
Eternal home Forgiveness and new life Second coming Eternal Harvest Resurrection Burial Crucifixion
The precise dates when these Moedim fall are of interest, but few would suggest that Christian disciples are obligated in any way to observe them. Whilst no obligation exists, many today are reaching a consensus that there is a practical blessing in “marking” the rhythm of the devotional year in exactly the same way that Jesus did. FYI the exact dates are indicated below :
Tabernacles Atonement Trumpets Shavuout First Fruits Unleavened Bread Passover 14 Nisan 16 Nisan First day of 7 th month + 50 days after First Fruits 10 th day of the 7 th month 15 th day of 7 th month 15 to 21 Nisan
Always remember these are marked out as days in the Hebrew calendar, not the Gregorian calendar…… In the next seven lessons we will explore each Moedim across 4 dimensions: 1. Meaning 2. Prophetic fulfillment 3. Present Jewish observance 4. Jesus (how Jesus provides ultimate meaning to the Moedim)
But to give you a taster, here is a summary:
Unleavened Bread....
First Fruits....
Passover _“Easter” Pesach COMMON ENGLISH UnleavenedBread First Fruits Latter First Fruits Trumpets Atonement Tabernacles Hag HaMatzot Ha Bikkorim Shavuot Rosh Hashanah Yom Kippur Sukkot _ Sfirat HaOmer Feast of Weeks Yom Truah _ _ _ _ Pentecost _ _ Tabernacles HEBREW ALT. HEBREW ALT. “CHRISTIAN” NAMES OF THE HEBREW MOEDIM
Eternal home Forgiveness and new life Second coming Eternal Harvest Resurrection Burial Crucifixion Types of Jesus’ mission and ministry
Tabernacles Atonement Trumpets Shavuout First Fruits Unleavened Bread Passover 14 Nisan 16 Nisan First day of 7 th month + 50 days after First Fruits 15 to 21 Nisan 10 th day of the 7 th month 15 th day of 7 th month Associated dates
Tabernacles Atonement Trumpets Latter First Fruits First Fruits Unleavened Bread PassoverCrucifixion Resurrection Second Coming Eternal Harvest Forgiveness & New Life Eternal Home Burial Types of Jesus’ mission and ministry
God’s Moedim – study materials Slide deck # 2 please join again for Slide deck # 3