Elul is the twelfth month of the Jewish civil year and the sixth month of the ecclesiastical year on the Hebrew calendar. It is a summer month of 29 days. Elul usually occurs in August– September on the Gregorian calendar.monthJewishHebrew calendarsummerAugust SeptemberGregorian calendar
12 Months of Hebrew Calendar Mo nth HebrewGregorianFeastsNu m HebrewGregorianFeasts 1Nissan wsyni Mar/Apr1 New Moon 14 th Passover 7Tishri yrvti Sept/Oct1 Day of Trumpets 10 Day of Atonement 15 Sukkot 2Iyar ryyai Apr/May1 New Moon8Cheshvan Nwvje Oct/Nov 3Sivan wwysi May/June6 Pentecost9Kislev nleski Nov/Dec 4Tammuz zwmt June/July10Tevet Tberfe Dec/Jan 5Av Ba; July/Aug11Shevat fbv Jan/Feb 6Elul lwlau Aug/SeptMonth of Repentance 12Adar rda Feb/Mar
Biblical Calender The days of Elul are called the days of "Divine forgivenss and kindness". This is embodied in the word Elul. It is written in the Song of Songs (6:3) Ani l'dodi v'dodi li... (I am for my beloved and my beloved is for me...). The acrostic of the first letters of this phrase spells Elul. The last letters of the words of the phrase are all "Yud". The numerical value of "Yud" is 10. 4x10=40, the number of days that Moshe spent on Mt. Sinai the when he received the second set of the Ten Commandments. From Abrahams calling –5770 years Genesis 1:5 – 1 st day – 6 th day Gen 2:1-3 – 7 th day, Shabbat Gen. 2:14 – stars for seasons
SIGNIFICANCE The month of Elul is a time of repentance in preparation for therepentance High Holy Days of the Jewish New YearHigh Holy Days Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.Rosh HashanahYom Kippur
Teshuvah Means Turning back to YHWH!! Repentance is the only way back, confession of our sins then turning away and making a change, (John 1:9) then He will forgive and cleanse us. Psalm 51 Sin of pride (He rejects the proud and has mercy on the humble), passivity, compromise, deception, luke-warmness, business, not teaching our children the commandments of YHWH – Deut 6:7, Joel 1:3, Do not quench the spirit.