Warm-up 1. Agenda 2. Materials: blank piece of paper, pen/pencil Warm-up 3. Warm-up: On a blank people of paper, complete #1-4 on the handout
The rise of christianity
Judea: birthplace of christianity Modern day IsraelModern day Israel Part of Jewish “Promised Land”Part of Jewish “Promised Land” Included city of BethlehemIncluded city of Bethlehem Romans conquered this areaRomans conquered this area around 63 BCE Jews of Judea rebelled against Roman rule and taxes. Their sacred writings included prophecies that one day God would send a savior to restore the Kingdom of David.Jews of Judea rebelled against Roman rule and taxes. Their sacred writings included prophecies that one day God would send a savior to restore the Kingdom of David.
The birth and life of jesus Jesus’ mom, Mary, lived in Nazareth.Jesus’ mom, Mary, lived in Nazareth. Mary’s husband, Joseph, was from BethlehemMary’s husband, Joseph, was from Bethlehem An angel appeared to Mary, told her she would have a child and that she should name him Jesus.An angel appeared to Mary, told her she would have a child and that she should name him Jesus. Mary and Joseph traveled from Nazareth to Bethlehem so that Joseph could participate in the census. (A head count of all men ordered by Augustus Caesar). Jesus was born in Bethlehem.Mary and Joseph traveled from Nazareth to Bethlehem so that Joseph could participate in the census. (A head count of all men ordered by Augustus Caesar). Jesus was born in Bethlehem. Jesus likely grew up in Nazareth where he learned carpentry and practiced Judaism.Jesus likely grew up in Nazareth where he learned carpentry and practiced Judaism. At age 30, the preacher John the Baptist identified Jesus as the Messiah - the savior the Jews had been waiting for.At age 30, the preacher John the Baptist identified Jesus as the Messiah - the savior the Jews had been waiting for.
The sacred writings Christian Sacred Writing – The Bible Much of what is known about Jesus’ life and teachings were recorded in Greek by four of his followers: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. These accounts are known as Gospels. These writings make up the New Testament of the Christian Bible.
Teachings of Jesus Based on traditional Jewish beliefsBased on traditional Jewish beliefs Jesus emphasized love and mercy.Jesus emphasized love and mercy. He called a small number of men to be his followers, or disciples to help him spread the word/religion.He called a small number of men to be his followers, or disciples to help him spread the word/religion. He preached the two most important Jewish laws were:He preached the two most important Jewish laws were: Love your God with all your heart and Soul Love your neighbor as yourself
The death and resurrection of jesus Jesus traveled around for years and gained a large following.Jesus traveled around for years and gained a large following. Romans were concerned that Jesus might lead a revolt.Romans were concerned that Jesus might lead a revolt. Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor of Judea, ordered Jesus to be executed to end this threat. Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor of Judea, ordered Jesus to be executed to end this threat. Crucify = tied or nailed to a cross until dead (a common form of Roman execution) Crucify = tied or nailed to a cross until dead (a common form of Roman execution) A few faithful followers took Jesus’s body and buried it in a tomb carved out of rock.A few faithful followers took Jesus’s body and buried it in a tomb carved out of rock. According to Christian Gospel, 3 days later Jesus resurrected - rose from the dead and appeared to his disciples, then left to be with God in heaven.According to Christian Gospel, 3 days later Jesus resurrected - rose from the dead and appeared to his disciples, then left to be with God in heaven.
Parables Activity Parables = simple stories with moral or religious messages Parables = simple stories with moral or religious messages These were one of Jesus’s favorite ways to teach 1.Create the following chart – large and landscape on paper 2.Complete using parables in room (or teacher webpage) ParableCharactersPlotMoral Lesson Parable of the Fig Tree Parable of the Lost Sheep Parable of the Good Samaritan Parable of the Rich Fool