World History: Ancient Civilizations Melissa Parris MAEcon, MAEd Honors Social Studies 6 Oak Middle School Melissa Parris MAEcon, MAEd Honors Social Studies 6 Oak Middle School
We are kind What are some words you would use to describe a person who is kind? What are some behaviors they show? What are some words you would use to describe a person who is kind? What are some behaviors they show?
Discipline and Rewards In class behavior Discipline Processing forms Detentions Office Referral and Saturday school Rewards Paw Passes Monthly Awards Classroom celebration of excellence In class behavior Discipline Processing forms Detentions Office Referral and Saturday school Rewards Paw Passes Monthly Awards Classroom celebration of excellence
Grades Work is graded on a traditional scale: 90 – 100 A 80 – 89 B 70 – 79 C D less than 60 F Grades will be available online on Aeries. The district will be contacting you with log-on information. Work is graded on a traditional scale: 90 – 100 A 80 – 89 B 70 – 79 C D less than 60 F Grades will be available online on Aeries. The district will be contacting you with log-on information.
Class work & Homework Unit work will be given in “packet” form Some units will include a project Homework may be assigned, including work not finished in class Homework assignments are listed online at Oak’s website, Mrs. Parris’s teacher page and on the calendar in the classroom. Unit work will be given in “packet” form Some units will include a project Homework may be assigned, including work not finished in class Homework assignments are listed online at Oak’s website, Mrs. Parris’s teacher page and on the calendar in the classroom.
Late work and absences If your student is absent, they will have as many extra days to complete work as days they are absent Late work will only be accepted up to one week late. Late work may only earn 50% of the student’s grade on the work. STUDENTS are responsible for making up missing work and tests. Absence does not excuse students from completing assignments. If your student is absent, they will have as many extra days to complete work as days they are absent Late work will only be accepted up to one week late. Late work may only earn 50% of the student’s grade on the work. STUDENTS are responsible for making up missing work and tests. Absence does not excuse students from completing assignments.
Unit 1: The Tools of History World Geography/Maps
Archaeologists and Historians
The Earliest Human Societies Hunters and Gatherers
Unit 2: Early Civilizations of Southewest Asia Ancient Mesopotamia-Geography/Life in Sumer
Early Empires: Mesopotamia, Assyria, Persia
Unit 3: Ancient Africa Ancient Egypt
Kush and Other African Kingdoms Nok Aksum Kush
Unit 4: Ancient India and China, Han seismograph 132 CE
Unit 5: The Roots of Western Ideas Hebrew Kingdoms
Ancient and Classical Greece
Unit 6: The World of Ancient Rome Rise of Rome Republic Empire
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