Www.esd-toolkit.org supported by a local government initiative sharing nationally to improve services locally CAA it’s here equalities + efficiency + effectiveness.


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Presentation transcript:

supported by a local government initiative sharing nationally to improve services locally CAA it’s here equalities + efficiency + effectiveness

supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative optimising customer insight Services Customer Satisfaction the model Customer Profiling Customer take up transforming the organisation Activities Powers and Duties – Council Function Local Government Services Cost, assets, profession Customer Needs Common Processes Feedback evidencing & implementing improved services and performance involving the citizen changing ways of working building capacity

supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative area people + places Services CAA – area – organisation - EIA outcomes performance re vulnerable or excluded groups organisation value for money governance community needs and aspirations managing performance delivering outcomes and improvements evidencing & implementing equalities impact assessment involving the citizen linking area and organisation building capacity managing resources identifying local priorities prospects - future improvement use of resources Managing performance

supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative equalities services Tell us once Customer Profiling solutions4inclusion efficiency LSP/LAAs LGBM EPDM Places Customer Needs NLPG information4citizens evidence equalities impact assessment action involving the citizen linking area and organisation building capacity Cost architecture Contextual benchmarking customer insight working group LocalDirectgov DI Beacons ADD ME! business improvement working group GovConnect performance working group key information working group effectiveness LIS DI Advisors SMART CITIES

supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative CAA is about people, especially people whose circumstances make them vulnerable places partnership working outcomes future prospects an increased focus on local priorities a risk-based, proportionate, no surprises, approach coordinated and coherent improvement planning. assessments and reports should focus on the issues which matter most to local people.

supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative area assessment because the area assessment is about place it will also be important that you understand any key issues affecting the area which may not be directly in the control of local partners, such as the recession many issues span geographical boundaries –need to consider and understand how local aspirations, problems and responses fit with the wider geographical context.

supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative challenges and……….. Recession is having significant impact – on individuals and across public, private and third sector Impact varies between different communities and population groups – especially for vulnerable and excluded people Assessing outcomes and prospects – consider impact this situation is having on public sector finances, demand for services and skills as well as improvement targets for particular outcomes

supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative who does this affect? local people local authorities and other public sector bodies local third sector local business

supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative local people short term impacts –Unemployment –Mortgage and financial difficulties –Family breakdown –More reliance on state benefits and services long term impacts –Unable to access recovering economy –Loss of ambition –Dependency culture –Negative equity –Housing shortages –Mental health problems

supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative LAs and other public sector bodies Short term impacts –Increased demand for services (ie due to rise in number of benefits claimants and increases in homelessness –Reduced income from fees, charges and investments –Regeneration projects stalled as investment funds dry up –Private finance initiative deals stalled –Redundancies and service cuts –Increased demand for state school places (from previous private school places) Long term impacts –Pressure on finance –Reduced customer satisfaction –More need for regeneration –Loss of key skills and staff –Increased anti-social behaviour –Public health problems

supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative Local third sector Short term impacts –Increased demand for services associated with short term effects of worklessness – such as debt advice –Reduced donations and grants Long term impacts –Increased demand for services associated with long term effects of worklessness – such as mental health or family breakdown –Need to create additional capacity –Long term financial viability problems

supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative Local business Short term impacts –Lower demand –Cashflow difficulties –Access to credit limited –Less investment –Business failures Long term impacts –Reduced competitiveness –Skills shortages –Weak ongoing economy

supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative ……………..opportunities not all negative ………………..provides opportunities to: adapt restructure to a more sustainable economy develop capacity find innovative, productive ways to work together

supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative what to look for… need to understand –the nature of the local economy, and the impact of the recession on people and public sector organisations in each area –the expected future impact of the recession during 2009 and beyond, including any expectations and forecasts about local businesses, employment, and housing –how the recession could impact on specific localities, communities and groups

supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative need to understand –is the recession impacting particularly badly on people in vulnerable circumstances? –are local partners are making changes to their improvement targets, priorities and plans, to take account of the recession? –how effectively are local partners identifying and addressing the key risks and opportunities?

supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative understanding and comparing What types of people live in a local authority area? What services do they use through which channels? trend analysis comparison with other LAs download of citizen profile data/offline use

supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative See who your nearest neighbours are by their similarity to the groups and types within your LA customer profiling - features

supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative customer profiling - features live Display of street and town information on maps – Live Web Profiling webcast - LiveWeb Profiling webcast Case studies from CPP participants to be published on Customer Profiling community pages - Live / OngoingCase studies

supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative CAA - equality equality, diversity and human rights in area and organisational assessment recognising there are many people who face potential barriers in trying to access public services and influence decision making about public services barriers can be because of prejudice and discrimination or because services are not designed to be accessible for all local people currently many people do not experience fair access to services or a fair quality of life, or the opportunity to realise their full potential

supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative equality – to consider how well are public services meeting the needs of the diverse groups within communities? do groups and individuals who can experience discrimination and disadvantage receive equitable outcomes from their local public services? to what extent can different service users influence decision-making? do local services address citizens’ human rights? do assessments recognise the different nature of diversity in different places?

supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative consider - community needs and aspirations is there robust decision-making across local partners? is there evidence of effective implementation of the duty to involve are local partners are focusing on the right things? how well do local partners understand their diverse communities? how well do they engage with, involve and empower local people (including through the third sector)? how well do local people feel they are listened to? (including harder to reach/hear communities, children and young people and those at risk of poorer outcomes)? to what extent do local people feel their contributions make a difference to decisions about setting local priorities and are they involved in reviewing progress against them? Does this engagement encompass all communities?

supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative customer insight customer profiling supporting digital and social inclusion customer’s circle of need to provide proactive service delivery helping authorities record NI14 information in order to identify improvement opportunities

supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative Service Propensity

supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative Service maps

supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative Ethnicity maps

supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative Making the links

supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative evidence does everyone have fair access to service and information about services? are people treated with dignity and respect? do service users have the right to see and to challenge decisions made about the services that affect them individually? X evidence of poorer outcomes or local services not meeting citizen’s human rights may be addressed through targeted inspections and through consideration of the systems that local public services have in place

supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative if…….. –outcomes delivered are less equitable for some groups and individuals in areas and local partners do not to address this –if you and your local partners have not identified, or have little or no information about, service needs or outcomes for diverse groups within their area …………….need robust plans in place to improve

supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative efficiency - VFM Value for money is about –getting the maximum benefit over time with the resources available –achieving the right balance among economy, efficiency and effectiveness (the ‘3Es’) –spending less and spending wisely to achieve priorities for local people as sustainable development has risen up the agenda there is recognition that efficiency and sustainability need to be balanced within robust decision making so that outcomes are effective over time while the use of resources judgements apply to individual organisations……………….. –the principles apply just as much to delivering value for money when working in partnership.

supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative efficiency – to consider can you show you are achieving value for money by balancing economy, efficiency and effectiveness in different ways that reflect –local circumstances as well as national priorities things to look for are: –to what extent are there shared objectives? –are the principles of value for money applied to shared resources? –do partners in an area have a clear and common understanding of the mainstream public sector spending under their influence? –do local partners understand delivery chains for outcomes and align resources and overcome barriers?

supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative efficiency – to consider….. do partners recognise the extent to which spending in one sector could bring better value for money in another and lead to more effective overall resource use? how well do partners measure and manage efficiencies and exploit the potential efficiency gains from working together? how well do partners understand the resources available to them and the extent to which they influence spending decisions, including to shift mainstream resources to deliver improved outcomes?

supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative Local Government Business Model Business Improvement Services delivered by each organisation under legal powers & duties Processes and the resources they consume to deliver a service Customer interactions supported via channels Service outputs Customer Insight People, organisations, communities and places that are our customers Needs of customers as indicated by their circumstances Performance Management Outcomes of services in terms of change in circumstance Policy objectives in terms of levels of circumstance The LGBM defines components and their relationships in line with pan-government work. esd-toolkit publishes definitions, lists of values and mappings.

supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative evidencing efficiency? How to measure –Cost –Time –Duplication –Rationalisation –Reducing NI14 –Coordination and joined up services

supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative CAA - use of Resources

supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative business improvement developing a local government business model to manage the efficient allocation of resources and enabling management decisions to be made in a systems manner cost architecture - developing a common method and a practical tool for calculating cost in serving customers developing a methodology and practical tool for reporting and evidencing NI179

supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative An ABC method for Local Government The Cost Architecture is essentially Activity Based Costing (ABC) method designed for Local Government The Cost Architecture is contained within a spreadsheet downloadable from the esd-toolkit cost Architecture Community Site – Other products include: o A Manual o A Practitioners Guide o A Managers Guide o Authorities Case Studies and Costings

supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative esd- toolkit Standards The heart of the Cost Architecture is a ‘Common Process List’ developed with Chorley and the Cumbrian Councils. The Common Process list breaks down everything a Local Authority does into around 50 business disciplines. Cost are assigned to the common process and each of the common processes are assigned to a ‘Transaction Life Cycle’ point within the Calculator. Costs and unit costs are calculated at a summary Level and for each of the access channels on the ‘Local Government Channels List’ (optionally). The CA also uses a ‘Functions Lists’ which is mapped to the ‘Local Government Service List (LGSL).’ The functions list maps all local government legislation ‘powers and duties’ to the LGSL. The functions lists is there to prompt the questions – should we be doing this? Would it be better done by someone else?

supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative Functions Mapped to LGSL  Powers and Duties - why are we doing this? Functions Mapped to LGSL  Powers and Duties - why are we doing this? ABC Costs  Staff costs (always included)  Overheads (optional inclusion) ABC Costs  Staff costs (always included)  Overheads (optional inclusion) Value Analysis  Value adding  Sustaining  Non-value adding Value Analysis  Value adding  Sustaining  Non-value adding Transactional Hierarchy  Life cycle points (define depth of transaction)  Common processes (pick and mix)  Activities (activity dictionary or as required) Transactional Hierarchy  Life cycle points (define depth of transaction)  Common processes (pick and mix)  Activities (activity dictionary or as required) Channels  Cost and Volumes (optional) Channels  Cost and Volumes (optional)

supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative effectiveness – key themes key themes feature in local strategies and agreements, and/or national priorities. the following themes will be adapted to local priorities relevant to the area How safe is the area? How healthy and well supported are people? How well is adult social care meeting people’s needs and choices? How well kept is the area? How environmentally sustainable is the area? How strong is the local economy? How strong and cohesive are local communities How well is housing need met? How well are families supported? How good is the well-being of children and young people?How good is the well-being of children and young people

supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative performance improvement developing a tool to manage LAA performance developing contextualised benchmarking – identifying councils with similar demographic make ups to compare and learn from developing an understanding of the interdependencies in service delivery within partnerships and their contribution to outcomes ability to find ‘your nearest with’ and compare performance (= demographic near neighbours)

supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative What’s there already - National Indicator tree

supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative linking national indicators to service information

supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative Local Information Systems community home page This website provides information concerning the Communities and Local Government (CLG) Information Management programme (IMP) project on Local Information Systems (LIS). The project is designed to support a network of public sector officers who can provide mutual support and advice in setting up systems which gather information and make it available to the public. Work is informed by the April 2006 CLG report: Local Information Systems: A review of their role, characteristics and benefits Local information Systems support: Strategy Service delivery Performance management This project is related to the Data Interchange Hub. You can join the Hub community or view the Hub at Hub community

supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative effectiveness - consider are priorities in the sustainable community strategies and local area agreement and other strategies and plans sufficiently appropriate and ambitious to meet the locality’s challenges and context? do they take account of national priorities and standards, inequality in the area, the needs of the most vulnerable members of the community, local needs analyses and weigh up the views of local stakeholders? are ambitions and targets appropriately stretching and realistic? is there robust decision-making across local partners to ensure that local priorities are based on sound shared intelligence and effective use of information?

supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative NI14 reducing avoidable contact There is no right way to do NI14 – the solution must reflect local priorities and the realities of the way each local authority actually works It is more than a simple calculation of a percentage figure, more than the numbers game If not numbers, then what? Customer focus Service improvement Savings

supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative Benefits & issues:  Customer Services welcomed opportunity to inform holistic view of service improvement  Intervention led to breakdown of ‘us & them’ mentality  NI14 is a valuable lever for change and complements others approaches such as Systems Thinking  Meeting some performance targets created avoidable contact  There is a need to drill down to causes of avoidable contact in order to effect a remedy  Common causes include progress chasing, ‘I can’t understand’, ‘you said you would and you didn’t’ NI14 – some examples of benefits identified

supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative use cost architecture to identify : avoidable contact efficiencies savings and contribute to ……..VFM savings NI14 (Measure your Avoidable Contact ) Prioritise Services for Improvement Service Redesign (and remeasure AC) Reduced AC Volumes Cost Architecture (After Costs) Cost Architecture (Calculated savings) NI 179 (VfM Savings) Cost Architecture (Before Costs)

supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative effectiveness - sustainability Do local partners understand the connections between their economy, the people that live there and their environmental footprint? Are they implementing what they have to, to make their area more sustainable? Is the local economy accessible to local people, resource efficient, low carbon, has sustainable transport options for the movement of people and goods, and is hence sustainable in the long-term? Is housing energy and water efficient, and at the same time is affordable and close or well-connected to local services by public transport? Are there mechanisms that are reducing the carbon emissions of all public sector operations? Are communities helped to make healthy lifestyle choices around food, travel and leisure? Are communities helped to provide support to people whose circumstances make them vulnerable, such as adults with social care needs? Is support provided in ways that are sustainable, for example, taking account of an ageing population ?

supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative key information implementing standards to ensure the development of quality intelligence information management and the sharing of data and information developing good practice on providing timely information to the citizens making publicly available more of the local information held by central Government

supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative Controlled lists See the What are all these lists? pages and the interactive diagram to understand current lists and how they fit together.What are all these lists?interactive diagram

supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative Continuum of engagement and empowerment adapted from (Arnstein, Sherry R. ’A Ladder of Citizen Participation,’ JAIP, Volume 35, Number 4, July 1969, pages )

supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative equalities = area services Tell us once Customer Profiling solutions4inclusion efficiency = organisation LSP/LAAs LGBM EDPM Places Customer Needs NLPG information4citizens evidence equalities impact assessment action involving the citizen linking area and organisation building capacity Cost architecture Contextual benchmarking customer insight working group LocalDirectgov DI Beacons ADD ME! business improvement working group GovConnect performance working group key information working group effectiveness LIS DI Advisors