Definition of Hispanic in the U.S. Hispanic is a term created by the U.S. Mexico Puerto Rico Cuba Dominican Republic Central America Spain Portugal
Hispanic is a Broad Term The use of rice and beans is almost the only constant across the groups classified as Hispanic. 63% of Hispanic Americans are of Mexican decent.
History of Mexican Americans 30,000 moved here after the annexation of parts of Mexico in In the 1910’s many migrated here during the Mexican civil Until the 1960s, most lived within a few hundred miles of the border, although some resettled along frail lines from the Southwest to the Midwest. More recently, Mexican Americans have diffused throughout the U.S., especially in the Midwest and Southeast. Mexican American largest populations are in California, Texas, Illinois, and Arizona.
Hispanic Population in the U.S.
Culture Contemporary life in its cities has become similar to that in neighboring United States Strong devotion to family Hierarchy of respect for the elders Many first-generation immigrants mistrust the government and are afraid of deportation Preserve the Spanish language
Religion 89% of the population are Roman Catholics. Our Lady of Guadalupe is a Roman Catholic icon of the Virgin Mary. She appeared to Juan Diego and asked him to build a church at that site in her honor. He told Fray Juan de Zumarraga, who told him to ask the “lady” for a miraculous sign to prove her identity. -Healed Juan’s uncle - Formed flowers into the Virgin of Guadalupe
Common Hispanic Foods Three largest Hispanic subgroups: Cuban, Puerto Rican, Mexican. Rice & beans Beef, pork, goat, chicken Spices (garlic, cilantro, basil, hot peppers) Fruit (bananas, mangos, guava, tamarind, papayas, melons) Vegetables (corn, carrots, potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, avocados, onions, tomatillos)
Mexican Culture Tacos, burritos, and tamales Some Hispanics have already adopted U.S. food practices because they are familiar with the products Encourage traditional soups, stews with veggies and corn based tortillas Lunch is the main meal of the day, siesta is taken after that, midday and evening meals are important family events
Tortillas The Mexican diet is very high in carbs Tortillas are the most common bread at meal time Northern Mexico is known for the popular flour tortilla Southern Mexico has thin, corn tortillas Lard; adds flavor, makes a more pliable flour tortilla. Being replaced by vegetable oil.
Health Concerns High in carbohydrates Difficult for those with abnormal glucose tolerance Choose to keep the carbohydrates that are most important
Disease Risks Heart Disease 2 of every 3 Latinas are overweight 60% of Latinas are physically inactive Diabetes 1 in 10 adult Latinos have diabetes
Nutritional Concerns Tortillas Made with lard Concerns with heart disease and diabetes Eaten at most meals
Nutritional Implications Fairly balanced diet Meat: pork, beef, goat Grains: Rice, Corn, Pastas Vegetables: Carrots, Green Beans, Greens Fruits: Mangos, Papayas, Tomatoes Most Mexican pastries have less fat and sugar than U.S. pastries Many even made with whole wheat flour
Communication Style Use formal terms Greet with a handshake Be in close proximity during conversation Use gestures Touching and physical contact is normal Avoid prolonged eye contact Encourage questions
Interacting in the Workplace Get to know them on a personal level Be ready and willing to shake hands Be a leader not a “boss”
Uniqueness of the Individual Country of origin Education Income level Access to healthcare Language skills Family support