Turn in textbook work from last class. Today we will: -Take notes on the Causes of the Civil War -Watch “Division” episode of Story of Us
Missouri Compromise 1820 *Missouri added as a slave state, Maine added as a free state *Compromise line was drawn – no new states north of the line could have slaves
COMPROMISE OF 1850 California joined the Union as a free stateCalifornia joined the Union as a free state Mexican Cession: Divided into two territories, Mexico and UtahMexican Cession: Divided into two territories, Mexico and Utah People in Mexico and Utah would vote to decide if their state would allow slavery - Popular SovereigntyPeople in Mexico and Utah would vote to decide if their state would allow slavery - Popular Sovereignty
COMPROMISE OF 1850 Fugitive Slave Act: Federal law that said everyone must aid in the capture and return of escaped slavesFugitive Slave Act: Federal law that said everyone must aid in the capture and return of escaped slaves
Gabriel Prosser (1800) & Nat Turner (1831) led slave revolts in Virginia SLAVE REVOLTS Literate enslaved blacksmith who planned to lead a large slave rebellion in Richmond Nat Turner’s rebellion killed 56 whites, the largest number of fatalities to occur in one uprising in the southern U.S.
REACTIONS TO SLAVE REVOLTS Turner was convicted, sentenced to death, and executed. In the aftermath, the state executed 56 blacks accused of being part of Turner's slave rebellion. Two hundred blacks were also beaten and killed by white militias and mobs reacting with violence. Gabriel, along with twenty-six members of the revolt, were hanged.
New State laws passed as a result of the revolts- –illegal to educate blacks –illegal for blacks to assemble –white ministers to be present at all black worship services REACTIONS TO SLAVE REVOLTS
Southern abolitionists were intimidated into silence REACTIONS TO SLAVE REVOLTS
KANSAS-NEBRASKA ACT of 1854 Repealed the Missouri Compromise lineRepealed the Missouri Compromise line Gave Kansas & Nebraska Popular SovereigntyGave Kansas & Nebraska Popular Sovereignty
Results of the Kansas-Nebraska Act “Bleeding Kansas” Activists from both sides immigrated en masse to Kansas and fought one another in bloody battles. Abolitionist John Brown led seven pro-slavery men from their homes and hacked them to death with broadswords
CREATION OF THE REPUBLICAN PARTY Results to the Kansas-Nebraska Act CREATION OF THE REPUBLICAN PARTY Opposed to the spread of slaveryOpposed to the spread of slavery Created in direct opposition toCreated in direct opposition to slavery supporters slavery supporters
Direct Causes of the ‘Sivil’ War Sectionalism Slavery Supreme Court Decisions Stowe (Harriet Beecher)
Industrial Society Pro-Tariffs b/c they could sell their products for more Agriculture Society Against high Tariffs b/c manufactured goods get more expensive With high tariffs we can sell these chocolates to the southerners for $2 a piece! Wish we had cow bells With the tariffs so high they are too expensive for farmer Joe.
Wanted new states to not have slaves Wanted new states to have slaves
Believed the union was permanent South Carolina argued that states are sovereign and could secede Honey you have to do as I tell you because I’m yo mamma Okay Mom, I love you
Dred Scott Decision Supreme Court ruled that black people from Africa are not protected by the Constitution –they will never be U.S. citizens –U.S. Congress doesn’t have the power to prohibit slavery anywhere in the U.S. –Slaves may not sue in court –Slaves can’t be taken away from their owners w/o due process (because they are property)
Abolitionists in the North William Lloyd Garrison Publisher of The Liberator Newspaper that argued slavery was not Christian “Wherever there is a human being, I see God-given rights inherent in that being, whatever may be the sex or complexion.” -William Lloyd Garrison “My country is the world; my countrymen are mankind.” -William Lloyd Garrison
Harriet Beecher Stowe “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” Book that revealed the horrors of Southern slavery to people in the north, emphasized gender equality, and a Christian stance against slavery.
So this is the little lady that made this big war. Who you callin’ little?
Frederick Douglas Advocated having black men in the military