Anthropologie Blake DuPont Claire Brigham Jeremiah Oliver
Background Target Market Sophisticated, contemporary women Carry clothing, accessories, home goods Unique boutique feel No two stores the same Urban Outfitters
108 stores in United States Catalog and Website Stores average 7500 sq ft selling space 30,000-35,000 SKU’s Million Sales Background Cont’d.
Strengths Weekly analyze and adjust Private label Boutique feel Emotional bond Lifestyle store Creative designs
Weaknesses Target market Unclear Overlap Large # of SKUs Lack of focus
Opportunities Expansion Within US International (Urban Outfitters) Focus on online Product offering Publicity Develop brand name
Threats Suppliers Supply same clothes to competitors Economy Competitors Better circulation of catalogs and web Stronger brand names
“At a mall you can almost get frostbite, it’s so boring. Looking different is worth a lot.” Dick Haynes Founder & CEO