May 2012 Homelessness in Scotland This presentation covers Who becomes homeless in Scotland? What does being homeless mean? Attitudes to homeless people Roles of different organisations The Scottish Government’s homelessness target
May 2012 Homelessness in Scotland 55,227 households became homeless in Scotland last year - about 90,000 individuals. In 1990 it was 35,100 households - approx two-thirds of today’s figure This is one in every 56 people in Scotland.
May 2012 Who becomes homeless? ANYONE! But… it’s more likely if: You’re on your own You’re young and inexperienced You have a drink or drug problem You have health problems, including mental health You have a learning disability You’ve lived in an institution You’ve experienced abuse You’re unemployed And if you’re poor, you have fewer options
May 2012
Attitudes to homeless people Some of the things people get called: Alkie/druggie Down and out Scrounger Gyppo People make mean assumptions – reinforced by attitudes common in the media
May 2012 So what makes a home?… Shelter, comfort, amenities Privacy & sense of belonging Security & stability Affordability Community
May 2012 What’s it like to be homeless? Boredom Poor mental and physical health Pressure/stress Labelled Marginalised Not able to pay rent or mortgage
May 2012 Leading to… Family conflict Addiction Marriage breakdown Depression/mental health Unemployment It can work the other way round as well – any of these things can lead to homelessness
May 2012 Who deals with homelessness? Local councils – legal duty Housing associations Private landlords Charities and voluntary orgs Government
May 2012 Scottish Government target “by 2012 every unintentionally homeless person will be entitled to permanent accommodation”. The Scottish Government
May 2012 Homelessness in Scotland A waste of human potential Working together makes a difference More houses are needed – but also support Churches & the community have a big role Big challenges coming from the cuts