“…so that all nations might believe” Mexico Outreach 2007 Romans 16: 25-26
Why Mexico? God says: Love Your Neighbor ! QUICK FACTS: Children make up one-third of Mexico's population, approximately two-fifths of which lives in poverty 3.5 million children must work full time for a living 45% quit school after the sixth grade, 170,000 children are homeless Ensenada is often overlooked for short-term missions Ensenada: population 600,000; less than 5% are evangelical Christian
Partnering with Yugo Ministries: We will be staying at the Ensenada Outreach Center (EOC) It provides a close-up look at what missionary life is like. It is a safe, enclosed campus able to hold up to 160 people. Guests are lodged in dorms with hot showers, all within a protective setting. Three meals a day are provided in a comfortable dining area. Separate meeting areas are also available for groups to have devotion and ministry time so that teams can get together to bond, unify, and prepare for work or ministry. We are encouraged to come alongside and assist in the ongoing ministry opportunities in the local communities.
Ministries God has put on our heart: Sport Ministry: 15 youth Options are soccer / basketball / baseball / volleyball Girls Personal Ministry: 20 youth (fete only) Purity Team Hygiene (cut hair, and nails) Girls hanging out with girls Drama Team: 15 youth Theatrical play, skit, pantomime Movie night Balloon, puppet show Clown
Community outreach: 30 youth Street ministry (sharing the Gospel) Projects for needy brothers Live worship, Barbeque Mercy ministries (home visits) Street evangelism (pass out tracts) Construction: 20 youth Small repair jobs for church families Work on already started projects (house/biulding) Vacation Bible School: 20 youth Hosting VBS programs in several local churches VBS in orphanages Working with community kids
Who? We need about 110 youth, ages16 and up! When? One Weekend Only! Friday May 4 th – Sunday May 6 th How Much: $85.00 US Dollars Transportation will be coordinated through church reps. not included in price. Last date to sign up Monday, April 14th
For more info. - Cosmin Iuga - Manu Ceausu - CharityCup.com We will direct you to your church rep and they will give you more information. Note: If you want to come back to US&A Get Your Passport ASAP!