PUNCTUATION REVIEW For each question, identify if it is true of false. If it is false, make the statement correct
Question #1 Appositives are enclosed by commas and if removed the sentence would not make sense.
Question #2 To make a singular word possesive, put an apostrophe after the “s”.
Question #3 Use a comma to separate two or more items in a series.
Question #4 A compound sentence connects two complete sentences together with only a coordinating conjunction.
Question #5 A complex sentence includes a dependent and independent clause connected with a comma.
Question #6 When an AWUBIS (subordinating conjunction) word is in the middle of a sentence, you include a comma.
Question #7 When a sentence begins with a prepositional phrase, a coordinating conjunction must follow.
Question # 8 A semi-colon (;) can connect two independent sentences together.
Question #9 When using a transition word (ex however) to combine two complete sentences, you don’t need any punctuation.
Question #10 A colon is used to separate a list from sentence fragment.
Answers 1. False: appositives are enclosed by commas but are NOT essential to the sentence. 2. False: apostrophes go before an “s” if singular and after if it is either plural or ends in a “s” 3. False: Three or more items needs a list two or more does not 4. False: Comma and Coordinating Conjunction 5. True: when the dependent clause is first 6. False: Eliminate the comma 7. False: Comma follows a prepositional phrase 8. True 9. False: ; transition, 10. False: separates a list from an independent sentence
Editing Test 53% of the questions are usage and mechanics Questions in this category are testing your knowledge on identify the correct usage of punctuation and grammar. You need to be in an editing mode Be confident in the grammar and punctuation rules Mark up the text Edit as you read Be able to identify COMPLETE SENTENCES!
Let’s practice! Read the passage and edit each underlined section based on the rules we have covered: compound, complex, lists, appositives, semi-colon, colon usage and apostrophe usage.