DO NOW Write about the following prompt: If you could travel anywhere, where would you go? Use 1 compound sentence, 1 complex sentence, and 1 compound complex sentence.
OBJECTIVE SWBAT Identify and determine how to properly use a colon in a sentence. COP 701
COLONS A colon means "that is to say" or "here's what I mean." Colons and semicolons should never be used interchangeably.
RULE 1. Use a colon to introduce a series of items. Do not capitalize the first item after the colon (unless it's a proper noun). Examples: You may be required to bring many things: sleeping bags, pans, utensils, and warm clothing. I want the following items: butter, sugar, and flour. I need an assistant who can do the following: input data, write reports, and complete tax forms.
RULE 2. Avoid using a colon before a list when it directly follows a verb or preposition. Incorrect: I want: butter, sugar, and flour. Correct: I want the following: butter, sugar, and flour. OR I want butter, sugar, and flour. Incorrect: I've seen the greats, including: Barrymore, Guinness, and Streep. Correct: I've seen the greats, including Barrymore, Guinness, and Streep.
RULE 3. When listing items one by one, one per line, following a colon, capitalization and ending punctuation are optional when using single words or phrases preceded by letters, numbers, or bullet points. If each point is a complete sentence, capitalize the first word and end the sentence with appropriate ending punctuation. Otherwise, there are no hard and fast rules, except be consistent.
RULE 3. Examples: I want an assistant who can do the following: input data write reports complete tax forms The following are requested: Wool sweaters for possible cold weather. Wet suits for snorkeling. Introductions to the local dignitaries.
RULE 4. A colon instead of a semicolon may be used between independent clauses when the second sentence explains, illustrates, paraphrases, or expands on the first sentence. Example: He got what he worked for: he really earned that promotion. If a complete sentence follows a colon, as in the previous example, it is up to the writer to decide whether to capitalize the first word. Capitalizing a sentence after a colon is generally a judgment call; if what follows a colon is closely related to what precedes it, there is no need for a capital. Note: A capital letter generally does not introduce a simple phrase following a colon. Example: He got what he worked for: a promotion.
RULE 5. A colon may be used to introduce a long quotation. Some style manuals say to indent one-half inch on both the left and right margins; others say to indent only on the left margin. Quotation marks are not used. Example: The author of Touched, Jane Straus, wrote in the first chapter: Georgia went back to her bed and stared at the intricate patterns of burned moth wings in the translucent glass of the overhead light. Her father was in "hyper mode" again where nothing could calm him down.
RULE 6. Use a colon rather than a comma to follow the salutation in a business letter, even when addressing someone by his or her first name. (Never use a semicolon after a salutation.) A comma is used after the salutation in more informal correspondence. Formal: Dear Ms. Rodriguez: Informal: Dear Dave,
PRACTICE Practice using colons on the handout.
EXIT TICKET Complete the Handout. CWPA: 5 poinst!
HOMEWORK Complete the Grammar Packet
TUESDAY, OCTOBER 20, 2015 SSR 20 minutes
OBJECTIVES SWBAT defend a claim using prior experiences and background knowledge.
4 CORNERS ACTIVITY Friends are family. One should never marry outsides one’s race. If someone witness a crime, he or she must report it. It is impossible to truly forgive someone. Some people are born more privileged than others. Everyone should be forgiven.
CLAIM #1 Friends are family.
CLAIM #2 One should never marry outsides one’s race.
CLAIM #3 If someone witness a crime, he or she must report it.
CLAIM #4 If someone witness a crime, he or she must report it.
CLAIM #5 Some people are born more privileged than others.
CLAIM #6 Everyone should be forgiven.
EXIT TICKET Write a one page reflection on which you discuss in detail one or more of the claims in today’s 4 Corners Discussion. Also, using the claims as a guide, predict what The Kite Runner may be about.
HOMEWORK Finish reflection.
WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 21, 2015 Complete the ACT Passage CW: 15 points!
OBJECTIVES SWBAT explain background information to Khaled Hosseini’s The Kite Runner.
KHALED HOSSEINI Born in Kabul, Afghanistan, in 1965 Lived in Tehran, Iran, and Paris, France, for parts of his childhood. In 1980, moved to California as a refugee. Graduated from high school, college and medical school in California. Practiced medicine and now a writer. The Kite Runner was his first novel, published Works with the United Nations Refugee Agency, as a goodwill envoy.
INSPIRATION… Relationship: Khaled taught Hossein Khan, the family’s racial Hazara cook to read and write despite the social injustice and racial bias imposed by their society.Hossein Khan Memories: Fond recollections of pre-Soviet era childhood in Afghanistan. Literature: Persian stories and poems, characters and themes presented in John Steinbeck’s The Grapes of Wrath.
TRY TO MAKE A TIME LINE… Man does he talk fast… Try to make a timeline of key historical events leading up to Afghanistan’s current state: _ ,00.html _ ,00.html
BEFORE THE KITE RUNNER Ruled by a monarchy 1933 – 1973: King Mohammad Zahir Shah reigned during the longest period of stability. King Mohammad Zahir Shah in 1963
AFGHANISTAN DURING THE KITE RUNNER 1973: King’s brother-in-law wages a war and declares a republic. 1979: USSR invades, kills president and up to 2 million civilians. Over 5 million flee the Afghanistan. 1994: Taliban rise to power in Afghanistan; by 2000 the Taliban occupied about 95% of the country.
EXIT TICKET On a half sheet of paper write: Three facts you learned about Afghanistan and/or the Taliban Two pieces of information you learned about the author One question you still have about the book
HOMEWORK Read and annotate chapter 1 of TKR. Write a 3-5 sentence summary of the chapter citing 1 piece of evidence. HW Grade: 5 points!
THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22, 2015 SSR 15 minutes
REVIEW What happened in chapter 1??
OBJECTIVES SWBAT: Create a Venn Diagram to show the similarities between Amir and Hassan.
CLASS READ OF CHAPTER 2 Take out your text, a pen, and post-it notes. Periodically, I will stop to ask you all questions.
VENN DIAGRAM In your groups, create a Venn Diagram listing similarities and differences between Amir and Hassan. For each similarity/difference cite evidence.
HOMEWORK Read and annotate chapters 3 and 4 of TKR.