Secondary National Strategy Secondary Strategy Cover Supervisor Network Meeting Presented by Helen Smith Cover Supervisor Network Meeting Presented by Helen Smith Contact:
Secondary National Strategy Objectives To provide an opportunity to share experiences of working in different settings and to identify good practice To identify strategies to increase pupil engagement and motivation during cover lessons To increase awareness of the range of behaviour management strategies available
Secondary National Strategy Outline Introduction Sharing of experience Organisational factors impacting upon the cover supervisor Behaviour management skills to support the cover supervisor Plenary- next steps
Secondary National Strategy Organisational factors
Secondary National Strategy Common problems The cover work/ class text isn’t where it’s supposed to be The set work doesn’t interest the pupils/ Pupils lose focus half way through the lesson The class have finished the set work half way into the lesson The class think that the work is not important
Secondary National Strategy Useful websites (Sudoku, Countdown etc) (Who Wants to be a Mathionaire? Game for interactive whiteboard) (A different mathematical starter activity for every day) Consider: Load interactive materials onto a pen drive or the school network so you can access them in all networked classrooms Many of the resources above can be printed off and written onto the board if you don’t have a computer
Secondary National Strategy Behaviour management strategies
Secondary National Strategy The causes of misbehaviour testing boundaries mismatch of teaching and learning styles lack of differentiation lack of challenge and motivation low self esteem emotional problems avoidance tactics Increasing disaffection and lack of engagement
Secondary National Strategy The characteristics of an effective behaviour manager consistent firm adaptable a good listener uses language carefully thorough appears confident and assertive develops positive relationships establishes clear routines and expectations
Secondary National Strategy Pro active strategies to reduce misbehaviour: Planning for behaviour Seating arrangements Stating expectations Use of familiar routines (school teaching and learning policy) Pupil engagement in the task: clear objectives and outcomes modelling and explanation availability of resources regular reinforcement of expectations and appropriate praise timings to increase pace of work teacher mobility lesson structure- 15 minute blocks of activity, feedback sessions visual prompts rewards
Secondary National Strategy Communication techniques: It’s not what you do….. We communicate: 55% through body language 38% by tone of voice 7% by words
Secondary National Strategy Praise and reinforcing language Reinforcement v Correction Effective praise can be verbal or non verbal, it should be specific and personalised Praise that is not seen to be earned has no value Excellent, you have settled down really quickly and got your books out. Please remember to listen carefully to everyone’s contribution.
Secondary National Strategy The language of correction Verbal Keep a confident tone of voice Speak calmly and pleasantly Do not rush your dialogue Concentrate on the deed not the student Keep interactions brief and to the point. Tell them what you want them to do, rather than not do Do not back students into a corner. Use choice language Give the instruction followed by a thank you Preface correction
Secondary National Strategy The language of choice I need you to put that away in your bag or put it on my desk. Thanks You need to sit by the door or next to Peter. If you do not get your work finished you will have to finish it at break. If you choose to continue doing that I will have to speak to you at the end. You must…
Secondary National Strategy Language to avoid ‘You’re just lazy.’ ‘You just don’t try’. ‘I give up !’ ‘I bet …… doesn’t speak to his teacher like that.’ ‘You never…..’ ‘Were you born in a barn ?’ ‘You’ll be the death of me !’ ‘You have no respect for anything.’ ‘ Can’t you do anything right ?’
Secondary National Strategy Effective interventions Give clear simple instructions Emphasise the positive; use rewards Give pupils time to carry out instructions Break activities and requests down into short simple steps Scale interventions: use the lowest level sanction/ strategy that you can Stay focussed upon the primary behaviour Broken record technique
Secondary National Strategy Avoiding confrontation stay calm focus on compliance with your first instruction avoid the secondary behaviour broken record technique partial agreement check understanding divert the challenge defer consequence re- establish learning use humour re- establish the relationship model the behaviour that you want cooling off outside the class should be used sparingly
Secondary National Strategy Dealing with low level disruption Strategy 1
Secondary National Strategy Responding to poor behaviour Techniques for dealing with low level disruption tactical ignoring eye contact & use of name inviting co-operation redirecting the behaviour state the behaviour maintain the language of choice- use warnings appropriate use of sanctions react calmly and firmly explain your decision re- establish the task do not let dealing with challenge become the focus for the lesson do not be drawn into discussion of the behaviour - defer ‘ Skilled teachers do not have fewer difficulties to deal with than other teachers but they intervene much earlier to stop minor problems escalating into serious ones’
Secondary National Strategy How do we make these strategies work? Consistency Working with the least intrusive strategy first Use of voice tone and body language when delivering Certainty not severity Knowing the pupil
Secondary National Strategy Contact Helen Smith