Class Observer & Feedback Training Cass Breen & Marco Macchitella
Objectives for the day 1.Learn about the institute‘s class observation procedures and familiarise yourself with the class observation form 2.Focus on key strengths and weaknesses in the observation of teaching, learning and achievement 3.Practise techniques for consistent classroom observation and grading in line with the requirements of the common inspection framework 4.Identify a step-by-step approach to provide constructive feedback
1.How well do learners achieve? 2.How effective are teaching, training and learning? 3.How well do the programmes and activities meet the needs and interests of learners? 4.How well are learners guided and supported? 5.How effective are leadership and management in raising achievement and supporting all learners? The 5 key questions for the SAR
Before the observation Explain purpose of observation (letter) Give tutor copy of form and guidelines Agree timing and duration (min. 1 hour) Obtain lesson plan, SoW, any record of learners progress and achievement Discuss with tutor what you will be doing during observation
During the observation (I) Sit where you can see both the learners and the tutor comfortably Take contemporaneous notes of what is happening. Complete the form at the end as strengths and weaknesses become clear Observe learners’ expression, body language etc. for clues on how learning is taking place Check learners’ understanding of task brief and instructions. How well do they respond to questions? Make sure that learners are adequately challenged and are learning new things. Look at learners’ records of progress to see how much they have achieved. Compare this with what you see during the session.
During the observation (II) Look at written and practical work produced by learners during the session Talk to learners (if possible) Ensure all judgements are sufficiently evaluative, not descriptive Include suitable exemplification to illustrate the judgements Keep a note of any points that need to be clarified with the tutor or the learners subsequently Never make assumptions without checking them! Focus on the learning process rather than the teaching
Assessing Learning, Achievement and Teaching LEARNING Interest, Motivation & Understanding Independent learning Response to feedback and effort Attendance and punctuality PROGRESS AND ACHIEVEMENT Confidence Task completion Appropriate progress TEACHING Planning and preparation Attention to individual needs Managing the learning process Assessment and feedback H&S and EO issues
After the observation Give feedback and grading Ensure that grades are supported by the text The grade should reflect the proportion of strengths and weaknesses Plan developmental activities (complete ACTION PLAN!)
Giving constructive feedback
Constructive feedback… …encourages reflection and awareness …identifies effective practice …helps to identify action to improve …brings about change
Like teaching, the most effective feedback is carefully planned
Have a step by step plan! 1.Consider the learning outcomes and how well they were achieved 2.Discuss any particularly high or low points in relation to 1 above 3.Analyse the teaching and learning strategies which contributed to the success, or otherwise, of the lesson 4.Concentrate on 2 or maximum 3 aspects of the lesson that can be explored further (best practice or areas for improvements) 5.Make recommendations or identify points for future action
Promote 2-way discussion and ownership Ask for the teacher’s views (lead-in questions): how effective do you think the … activity was? Ask the teacher to clarify, justify or expand: tell me a bit more about the way you use the OHP; how do you normally cater for mixed abilities?; what are your views on pair-work?
Listen actively Ask one question at a time and give the teacher time to think Show interest in what is being said. Even if you do not agree you must convey respect
In difficult situations… Be succinct and direct; avoid ambiguity Illustrate your points with examples Don’t apologise for your message Reiterate the evidence in a calm, assertive manner if the tutor will not accept your feedback
Devising an effective Action Plan Any action identified should have a direct impact on the learners Actions need to be specific, realistic and achievable and should be monitored Focus on solutions rather than problems: work with the tutor to devise solutions
AREA FOR DEVELOPMENT OR EXAMPLE OF BEST PRACTICE ACTIONBY WHOMBY WHENSUCCESS CRITERIAACHIEVED (DATE) Agree with tutorRealistic and specific Who is responsible? Agree timescale Achievable and monitorable Check Teacher Training status: Date of next observation (related to grade awarded): Grade 1 or 2 – annually if possible. If not between 2- 3 years Grade 3 – annually Grade 4 – within one term
Giving feedback Over to you…