Conducting Effective Parent – Teacher Conferences Cadence Education, Inc. Rev 9_2015
Preparing for Conferences Overcoming barriers to communication Planning for the Conference During the Conference Review handouts Agenda Cadence Education, Inc. Rev 9_2015
1. Gather data about each child from your observations, anecdotal records and their portfolio. Remember the goal is to discuss the whole child, not just one or two developmental areas. Collect notes of specific examples of behaviors. Record dates and incidents so that you are prepared to share specific information. Be sure to communicate with your co-teacher regarding each child’s strengths and weaknesses so that you can be aware of your own biases and subjective opinions. 2. Be sure each parent receives the Parent-Teacher Conference Questionnaire before their meeting with you. Prepare for Each Conference Cadence Education, Inc. Rev 9_2015
Conferences are more than a procedure to inform the parent how their child is doing. It is a way to build relationships that help enhance their child’s success. Send the message to parents that these meetings are positive and meant to share information. Let them know there will be information sharing on their part as well! Be mindful of your own barriers, such as over – identifying with the needs of the child. For example, thoughts such as, “if only that child’s parent would do this or that, the child would be better off”. Whatever your attitude about the parent, it will come through during the meeting time. Be Aware of Communication Barriers Cadence Education, Inc. Rev 9_2015
Work with your Director to set up a “home like” environment. Be mindful of seating arrangements. Do not sit behind a desk and look across to the parents. Sit at a common table in adult size chairs. Be creative in your attempts to help parents feel at ease. Be mindful of your body language. Sit forward and be attentive. Do not cross your arms Physical Set Up Cadence Education, Inc. Rev 9_2015
Always welcome the parent and start on a positive note by sharing an amusing anecdote from their child or recent activity. Remember the conference is meant to be a discussion. Give parents positive strokes for doing a good job whenever possible. Encourage their questions and comments. Remember that it is acceptable for you not to have all the answers. If necessary, let parents know you will get back to them. During the Conference Cadence Education, Inc. Rev 9_2015
Refer to the Talking Points before beginning each conference. Conference time is a good time to ask parents to share a talent, occupation or hobby as you plan for the year’s activities. If you encounter a difficult parent, indicate to the parent that you are uncomfortable and will need to reschedule. Be sure to follow up with your Director. Be sure to thank the parents for their time. Let the parents leave the conference feeling good about themselves and the school! Talking Points Cadence Education, Inc. Rev 9_2015
o What are some ways to build relationships with the families in your classroom? o What is the first step to preparing for the Conference? How can we be more effective at this at our school? o Be sure to review all the hand- outs for this training. Reflections Cadence Education, Inc. Rev 9_2015
For the Benefit of All:…Parent Conferences, by Linda D. Riepe Partnerships for Learning – Conferencing with Families by Holly Sepiocha. Resources Cadence Education, Inc. Rev 9_2015