Nutrition for Health In this chapter, you will Learn About… Why your body needs nutritious food and what influences your food choices. How your body uses different nutrients. How to follow nutrition guidelines. How to use the Pyramid to plan daily meals and snacks.
The Importance of Nutrition In this lesson, you will Learn About… Why your body needs nutritious food. What influences your food choices. The difference between appetite and hunger. Getting the nutrients you need.
The Importance of Nutrition The Vocabulary terms in this lesson are: Calories. Calories Nutrients. Nutrients Nutrition. Nutrition Appetite. Appetite Hunger. Hunger Nutrient deficiency. Nutrient deficiency
Why You Need Nutritious Food One important reason you eat is to take in calories. calories Food also provides nutrients. Nutrients have many important roles, including:Nutrients giving you energy. building new tissues and repairing cells. helping your body’s processes and systems run smoothly. Good nutrition is one of the main factors in building and maintaining good health.nutrition
What Influences Your Food Choices? Food choices are influenced by many different factors. Appetite and Hunger – Appetite is the psychological desire for food; hunger is the physical need for food. Emotions - Using food as a way of dealing with negative emotions is not healthy. People who eat to relieve stress or boredom need to develop more appropriate coping skills.
Factors That Influence Food Choices FactorsDescription Family and friends You may prefer certain foods, like burritos or vegetable stir-fry, because you have grown up eating them at home. Cultural background Different cultures have different traditions about what they eat, and perhaps where, how, and with whom they eat. Food availability Some foods are regional, growing only in certain areas. Some are seasonal and available only in certain months. Time and money resources Schedules and budgets affect a family’s food choices. AdvertisingAds can influence our choices of certain brands and products and may persuade us to try new foods. Knowledge of nutrition The more you know about the nutrients in different foods, the better able you are to choose foods that supply the health benefits that you need. Personal preferences Your personal likes and dislikes and overall health goals contribute to your food choices.
Getting the Nutrients You Need Everyone needs the same nutrients to maintain good health, but the amount of nutrients needed depends on a person’s age, gender, state of health, and level of activity. As a teen, you need more calcium for building strong bones. You also need more iron because your body makes more red blood cells as you grow. When you do not get enough of a particular nutrient, you could have a nutrient deficiency.nutrient deficiency
1.________ is the process of using food and its substances to help your body have energy, grow, develop, and work properly. Nutrition Reviewing Terms and Facts
2.What is the difference between appetite and hunger? Appetite is the psychological desire for food and hunger is the physical need for food. Reviewing Terms and Facts
Thinking Critically 3.How is it possible to have plenty of food and yet be poorly nourished?
Vocabulary Review Calories are units of heat that measure the energy used by the body and the energy that foods supply to the body.
Vocabulary Review Nutrients are substances in food that your body needs.
Vocabulary Review Nutrition is the process of using food and its substances to help your body have energy, grow, develop, and work properly.
Vocabulary Review Appetite is the psychological desire for food.
Vocabulary Review Hunger is the physical need for food.
Vocabulary Review Nutrient deficiency is a shortage of a nutrient.
Collect two sheets of paper and place them 10 apart. Fold up the bottom edges, stopping them 1” from the top edges. This makes all tabs the same size.
Crease the paper to hold the tabs in place. Staple along the fold. Turn and label the tabs as shown.
Under the appropriate tab of your Foldable, define terms and record information on nutrients and influences on food choices.
Find out what it takes to practice healthy nutrition habits by taking the Health Inventory for Chapter 8 at