Sue Hackman Chief Adviser on School Standards Silver bullets NGA Conference June 2012
Pupils NOT achieving level 4 in English and maths combined Of those 11 year olds who failed to reach Level 4 in English and maths combined in 2011: 22 % were not SEN, EAL or FSM 78% were SEN, EAL or FSM 22% 63% SEN 18% EAL 30% FSM including... 36% 6% 18% 3% 2% 7% SEN EAL FSM KS Numbers may not sum to totals due to rounding
Pupils NOT achieving 5A*-C including English and maths Of those end of KS4 pupils who failed to get 5A*-C inc English and maths in 2009: 28% 3% 5% SEN EAL KS Numbers may not sum to totals due to rounding
KS2 Maths FSM pupils
KS2 English FSM pupils
What works?
One-to-one tuition
Some really good news about one- to-one tuition ReadingWritingMathematics Pupils in receipt of tuition Pupils not in receipt of tuition Pupils in receipt of tuition Pupils not in receipt of tuition Pupils in receipt of tuition Pupils not in receipt of tuition Non CiC 83.8%79.5%85.1%80.2%88.0%81.5% CiC 83.3%76.8%100%70.5%90.5%74.3% Grand Total 83.9%79.5%85.3%80.2%88.1%81.4%
What works? Parent-child interaction
What works? Tracking and tacking
What works? High expectations
What works? Good quality of teaching
What have other schools done which has worked for them?
Narrowing the Gap in the Performance of Schools What have other schools done that worked? Recruited staff from the local community
Narrowing the Gap in the Performance of Schools What have other schools done that worked? Got in local heroes
Narrowing the Gap in the Performance of Schools What have other schools done that worked? Introduced a strong praise, reward and incentives strategy
Narrowing the Gap in the Performance of Schools What have other schools done that worked? Established fair, tough, respectful discipline
Narrowing the Gap in the Performance of Schools What have other schools done that worked? Provided experiences they won’t get anywhere else
Narrowing the Gap in the Performance of Schools What have other schools done that worked? Identified and worked with opinion-leading pupils
Narrowing the Gap in the Performance of Schools What have other schools done that worked? Taught the conventions of language and behaviour
Narrowing the Gap in the Performance of Schools The Extra Mile
For future consideration… Discuss how you are spending your pupil premium and what has worked
For future consideration… The proxies for deprivation will change
For future consideration… Apply to use the Education Endowment Fund
Thank you!